The kids are all right
by Pastor Reid Matthias
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‘I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children’ (Luke 10:21).
Read Luke 10:17–24
Seventy-two adults returned from their apprenticeships as ambassadors of peace and healers of the sick. The scripture does not say how long they were away, only what they were to do, and that they went ahead of Jesus. As Luke describes it, I picture the reunion like kids who, when figuring out how to ride a bike, fly a kite, or do something they previously thought unimaginable, they came screaming up to Jesus: ‘You’re not going to believe what we just did!’
Even though Luke doesn’t describe the minute details, I can’t help but imagine a smirk on Jesus’ face, a hand on their backs (you know, like what your mum or dad did when you succeeded at something), and he says to them, ‘Okay, okay, that was fun, I know. Calm down. Don’t let your joy be overrun by what you did; think about the big picture. Your names are written in the Book of Life because of what God is doing. Nothing can get at you. Ever’.
Jesus thinks of the disciples as God’s children. They were excited. Though it was amazing to the disciples that they were given power over the spirits, it would be God’s work in Jesus that would be the final blow to Satan and all his schemes. In the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, God’s saving work on the cross, every believer, saint and sinner alike, escaped the clutches of sin, death and the devil.
This Easter season, rejoice that the work of Jesus reveals your name in the Book of Life. Nothing can get at you. Ever.
Describe one time in your life when you used your gifts to bring about goodness. How would you imagine Jesus responding?
Thank you, Jesus, for writing my name in the Book of Life. Give me bold strength to use your gifts in the world. Amen.
Reid Matthias is the school pastor at St Andrews Lutheran College in Tallebudgera, Queensland. Reid is married to Christine, who, together with their three incredible daughters, Elsa, Josephine, and Greta, have created a Spotify channel (A 13) where they have recorded music. Reid has recently published his seventh novel, A Miserable Antagonist, maintains the blog ireid.blogspot.com and regularly contributes to The Lutheran magazine.
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