New way for mission-focused pastor to serve
Pastor Mark Schultz has accepted a call from the LCANZ to serve as Assistant to the Bishop – International Mission. He has served at Sydney’s multi-ethnic, multisite LifeWay Lutheran Church for 18 years and wasn’t looking to move – but God intervened.
Synod elects General Church Board
All six General Church Board members who stood for re-election will serve the LCANZ again in the 2024–27 synodical period, after Synod voted them back in for another term.
District assistant bishop joins General Church Board
Queensland District First Assistant Bishop Ben Hentschke has been appointed to the LCANZ’s General Church Board (GCB) for the remainder of the synodical term. His appointment is a result of previous pastor member Rev Dr Tim Stringer being installed as ALC Principal last month.
New bishop elected for NSW–ACT District
Pastor Richard Schwedes will be the next bishop of the New South Wales and Australian Capital Territory District of the LCANZ.
North Adelaide property adviser appointed
A short-term property adviser has been appointed to facilitate the sale of the LCANZ’s Churchwide Office and Australian Lutheran College (ALC) sites in North Adelaide. The General Church Board resolved in November last year to place the properties on the market.
NSW and ACT District provides oversight for the Lutheran Church of New Zealand
With the Lutheran Church New Zealand (LCNZ) unable to elect a bishop at its 2023 Convention of Synod, the LCANZ’s College of Bishops has asked the NSW and ACT District to provide oversight for the LCNZ until the next synod in two years.