Congregation and care services commemorate 60-year partnership
Members of St Mark’s Lutheran Church Australia Mount Gravatt in Queensland and Lutheran Services staff and volunteers commemorated their 60-year partnership on Christian Service Sunday.
Have church? Will travel!
by Narelle Kleinschmidt
Members of St Paul’s Lutheran Church Beaudesert, south-west of Brisbane, recently proved the adage ‘If the members can’t come to church, then church will go to the members’!
Bring a friend Sunday
by Rob Edwards
We know that our call as Christians is to ‘go and make disciples’, but often we see being involved in mission or outreach as too daunting. However, as Pastor Rob Edwards from Gatton in Queensland says, mission doesn’t need to be complicated. It can be as easy as inviting a friend to church.
Coffee, connections and country music
28 July 2023 Listen to this podcast Coffee, connections and country music Pastor Rob Edwards We know that our call as Christians is to ‘go and make disciples’, but… Read more
God’s strength provides a career in caring
by Helen Brinkman
Every morning when Shirley Klinge looks out of her window at the Tabeel retirement village at Laidley, she gazes at the hills at Cunninghams Gap and they remind her of her favourite psalm, and the source of her strength: ‘I look unto the hills, that is where I get my strength from’ (Psalm 121).
And then there were eight!
by Pastor Joel Pukallus
There were seven young people enrolled in the year-long confirmation class at St Mark’s Lutheran Church Dalby in Queensland’s Western Downs region when it began in mid-2021. But by the time they completed the course, there were eight people confirmed!