Child, Youth and Family Ministry
Grow Ministries
Grow Ministries offers a lot of great ideas and resources to support:
- young children
- families
- congregations
- youth and young adults
- intergenerational worship and ministry activities.
Other ministries around the LCA
Nurturing one family table
Research shows that intergenerational worship and relationships are linked with faith that sticks – Kara Powell, Sticky Faith
Intergenerational relationships in Christian community nurture important connections between generations. They provide space to practice faith in homes and congregations and extend to workplaces and places of learning. In the midst of faith and life transitions, it is important for children, youth and families to have both peers and the greater faith family around to support and care for them. Intergenerational ministry is a catalyst for cultural change in congregations where the whole church finds more ways to come together around one shared table.
This video, created by the Fuller Youth Institute, portrays the concept of 'one table'.
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10 Guiding Principles
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