Grants and Scholarships
If you have a talent to serve the church or have ideas for mission in the LCANZ, then you might benefit from one of the several grants and scholarships available.

Local Mission Fund
The purpose of the Local Mission Fund is to enhance and equip a missional culture across the Lutheran Church of Australia and New Zealand.
The Mission Fund intends to promote collaborative mission across the Church, through districts and within regions. It aims to support activities that are most needed by Lutheran congregations and agencies.
Local Mission Fund offers two funding streams: Local Mission Fund (maximum value of $100,000) and Local Mission Seed Project Fund (value of $10,000 p/a).
Borgfeldt Legacy Grants
Borgfeldt Legacy grants are available to congregations, schools, aged care and community services, and departments/agencies of the Lutheran Church of Australia and New Zealand that require financial support for projects that support the welfare of children (defined as under the age of 18 years).
An application may be for a specific once-off project or for initial support for a longer-term child-focused program.
LCA Study Grants
Study grants are available to members of the LCA for study that will better equip them for service within the church.
Usually up to $5000 for any one grant, the funding is to be used to cover costs associated with a study program or training project. Most grants are awarded to support courses no longer than one year full-time in duration.
Applicants should check the final enrolment date for their chosen course and should submit an application for an LCA Study Grant earlier than the closing date if required.
LCA Student Fund
This fund is available to assist students who propose to train or are training at Australian Lutheran College (ALC) for service in the Lutheran Church, to an extent that they are not prevented from entering into such service through their own inability to meet in full the cost of the training involved or through their inability to secure assistance from other quarters.
For more information contact the ALC Business Manager at
Alf and Charlotte Stiller Fund
Grants of up to $100,000 will be made available in 2025 to go towards the maintenance and restoration of old Lutheran churches and buildings of historical and practical significance to the LCA. Available thanks to a $1,000,000 bequest from the late Alf and Charlotte Stiller, the grants will be conditional on a co-contribution of $1 for every $2 of grant funding. Applications close on 31 January 2025.
Applications should be marked ‘Alf and Charlotte Stiller Fund’ and submitted to the Secretary of the Church, either via post to PO Box 731, North Adelaide SA 5006 or via email to
Find out more about the fund here.
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