The Lutheran Church of Australia’s Standing Committee on Nominations (SCoN) supports the identification, recruitment and appointment of suitable people for the church’s governing and advisory bodies. The seven-member committee is appointed by and reports to the General Church Board.

Identifying people's gifts, helping them to serve
During the synodical period, the committee works closely with governing and advisory bodies to identify their membership requirements and develop and implement processes that enable members of the church to offer themselves for service on these bodies. It also assists these bodies in filling casual vacancies that occur from time to time, for example, if there is a resignation of a member between synods.
- Members of the GCB are elected at General Synod. Members of all other boards, councils, commissions and committees are appointed after each General Synod.
- All members of these governing and advisory bodies are required to have provided proof of their Working With Children Check or equivalent and the completion of the relevant Professional Standards training before assuming their responsibilities.
- GCB has determined that Special Ministry Pastors can be considered for the role of pastor on governance and advisory bodies.
- Vacancies that arise on governing and advisory bodies between General Synods are advertised through the church’s eNews.
What about YOU?
We invite you to carefully and prayerfully consider whether you have the required skills and knowledge to serve on one of these bodies and contribute to the life and ministry of our church.
Before submitting a nomination form, please read the Terms of Reference for the body for which you are nominating. You can these in body's information section in the accordion below. Please refer to the Terms of Reference when completing your form.
If you know somebody with the skills and knowledge suitable to serve our church on a board, council, commission or committee, please encourage them to explore serving in this way.
Find your place to serve
Search by governing and advisory body
Organises, supervises, and extends the work of preaching the gospel of Christ to the Aborigines in Central Australia, and promotes their general welfare. The work is focused on ministry among over 6000 Aboriginal Christians in the southern part of Northern Territory extending from the Queensland border to just over the Western Australian border.
We are looking for
- Members with understanding of church and its alignment with LCA teaching
- Members with awareness of bilingual issues
- Members with experience in strategic planning
- Members who are able to challenge, and be practical
- Members with listening and decision-making skills
Terms of Reference
The Board of Directors of Lutheran Education Australia Limited operates on behalf of the Lutheran Church of Australia (LCA) in partnership with schools and regions in promoting the practical living out of the gospel in our school communities.
It strives to encourage and support the spiritual and professional growth of our schools, staff and leaders; promote and develop uniformly high standards of teaching, learning and leadership; represent Lutheran schools at national and international levels in matters affecting their interests; assist and encourage schools to be faithful to the mission of the LCA through supporting quality Christ-centred education and nurture of children; and maintain effective communication and information links with the LCA, districts, and schools, and with the wider community.
We are looking for
- Members with qualifications and expertise in the following areas:
- education
- finance and risk
- legal and theological.
Terms of Reference
The board has oversight of Australian Lutheran College which provides opportunities for growth, education and training in Higher Education and Vocational Education and Training formats, including Certificate III and IV, Bachelor, Masters and Doctoral Studies.
We are looking for
- Members with legal or business governance expertise
- Members with experience in education
- An experienced parish pastor
Terms of Reference
ALWS serves as the overseas humanitarian aid and development agency of the church, translating the spirit of Christian love and faith of the church into effective services with and for those most in need.
We are looking for
Members with:
- Experience in international aid and development
- Strategic financial management and planning
- Risk management and compliance
- Marketing and fundraising
Terms of Reference
Supports the Executive Officer of the church and provides advice, expert opinion and information in matters relating to church workers. 'Church worker' is the collective name given to pastors, lay workers, volunteers and other workers serving in congregations, parishes, national and district offices of the LCA (generally not including people serving in schools, aged or community care). It provides a consultative mechanism for the LCA and its members and gives feedback about the impact of policy and practice change and/or about the need for change in response to identified challenges.
We are looking for
- Members with diverse backgrounds and relevant skills and expertise in one or more of the following areas:
- Human resource management
- Workplace health and safety
- Industrial relations
- Legal practice
- Church administration and/or governance
- Lay ministry
- Adult education/professional or corporate development
- Organisational psychology
Terms of Reference
Assists the church in responding to questions arising from social issues such as same-sex marriage, refugees and asylum seekers, environmental degradation, abortion, unemployment and domestic violence. When important issues arise or specific questions are directed to it, the commission prepares educational and resource materials to assist the leadership and members of the church to make decisions and act, where they feel it is appropriate. It also considers issues carefully from a Lutheran ethical perspective and formulates responses, which it directs to appropriate outside bodies, such as parliamentary select committees.
We are looking for
- Members with a lively and active Christian faith
- Members with the ability to research and analyse social issues as mentioned above
- Members with the skill of careful listening
Terms of Reference
Advises the LCA in matters of theology and dialogue with other churches. The commission studies required theological matters in order to provide advice to the church, in the form of agreed statements. Through ecumenical dialogues it exercises an ongoing commitment to theological discussion with the major church bodies in Australia. It hears reports from the Faith and Unity Commission of the National Council of Churches in Australia, and it monitors theological trends within Lutheran World Federation and the International Lutheran Council.
We are looking for
- Pastor on the LCA Roll of Pastors (excluding SMPs)
- Members with a tertiary degree in theology
- Members with the ability to generate, evaluate and critique writings on a broad range of theological issues from a Lutheran theological and confessional standpoint
- Members with the ability to write from a pastoral perspective on theological and doctrinal issues
- Members with a strong commitment to working synodically and for the good of the whole LCA
- Members with a strong commitment to working collegially with other members of the CTICR
- Members with the ability to engage with people from other traditions in working through issues in the ecumenical space
- Members with a good understanding of the ecumenical scene in Australia and New Zealand
- Members with a good understanding of world Lutheran and the world ecumenical organisations
- Members who are able to present clearly in large and small group settings
Terms of Reference
Serves the church by providing guidance in all aspects of Christian worship to its congregations, schools and agencies in conformity with sound Lutheran principles. The commission also produces material to enrich the worship life of the church, including liturgical resources, service orders, music, drama and visual arts. These are available in a variety of formats. The work of the commission is carried out through the Department of Music and Song, the Department of Liturgics and the Department of Visual Arts.
We are looking for
- Members who have skills, interest and a willingness to learn in the following areas of worship:
- The shape and content of the liturgy of the church and how to support local communities in the appropriate use of liturgy in the weekly worship of God's people
- The use of hymns and songs for community singing
- The use of dramatic arts
- The use of visual arts
- Members who can be involved in the creating, editing and publication of worship resources
- Members who can engage in strategic planning
- Members who can participate in creative dialogue around music, song, liturgy and the arts
- Members who can do volunteer work between meetings and occasionally be involved in sub-committee/working group work
Terms of Reference
The Committee for Child, Youth and Family Ministry (CYFM) operates as a committee of the Council for Local Mission providing advice on child, youth and family issues and supporting the work of the Grow Ministries Department.
Supports and provides advice to the department of Grow Ministries which has a focus on faith formation and encouraging cross-generational relationships. The committee supports a national vision for children, youth and family ministry in the LCA by being a point of reference and resource for the wider church by researching and developing CYFM resources along with equipping and encouraging districts and congregations in their ministry to children, youth and families.
We are looking for
- Congregational pastor
- School pastor
- Member with expertise in children, youth and/or family ministry
- Member who is a practitioner in children, youth and/or family ministry
- Member who is under 30 years of age and active in their congregation
- Member who is over 60 years of age and active in their congregation
- Member with strategic planning expertise
- Member with business/administration expertise
Terms of Reference
The Committee for Cross-Cultural Ministry operates as a committee of the Council for Local Mission providing advice to the council.
Provides support and advice on cross-cultural ministry within the LCA. Acts as a reference group to the Board for Local Mission, especially advising on the ministry and mission support of non-English speaking members and communities served by the LCA.
We are looking for
- Pastor currently serving in a cross-cultural setting
- Member with expertise in African ministry
- Member with expertise in Asian ministry
- Members who have experience in cross-cultural ministry
- Member with experience in strategic planning and/or organisational management
Terms of Reference
Through the work of the Holy Spirit, the Lutheran Church of Australia (LCA) International Mission assists the church in fulfilling Christ’s mission command to ‘go and make disciples of all peoples’. In most cases, we can best serve in God’s mission by supporting our partner churches through the work that they are doing in their countries and with their nearby neighbours. A particular emphasis is on supporting the mission and ministry of Lutheran churches in the neighbouring Asia/Pacific countries of Cambodia; Indonesia; Malaysia (West); Sabah (East Malaysia); Myanmar; Papua New Guinea; Singapore; and Thailand. The goal is to build their capacity and strengthen all partners with the growth of their ministry and mission, in order to achieve graduated empowerment. This work is carried out through the office of LCA International Mission in consultative and collaborative partnerships with other Lutheran churches overseas and in partnership with people, congregations and departments of the LCA. Through LCA International Mission you are enabling Jesus’ love to come to life in the lives of many people.
We are looking for
- Members who are passionate about international mission
- Members who have a knowledge of international mission
- Members who have knowledge of finance and program management
- Members who are willing to promote the work of LCA International Mission
- Members who are prayerful encouragers and prepared to contribute to the work of LCA International Mission outside of regular committee meetings
Terms of Reference
Lutheran Archives gathers and tells the stories of God at work through Lutherans in Australia and New Zealand – the stories of the departments, the congregations and the people. Lutheran Archives ensures records are available for future generations through arrangement, description and preservation, and by encouraging all sections of the church to create and deposit records. Researchers come from within and outside the church, from across the nation and the globe, and include congregations and church members, family historians, academics, linguists, and creative artists (filmmakers, novelists). Access is granted subject to privacy and access protocols. The stories of the church – of God’s love and grace – are shared in the community by the archivists, by researchers, and through a public program coordinated by Friends of Lutheran Archives.
We are looking for
- Members with experience in the archival field
- Members with knowledge of Lutheran Archives’ operations and collection
- Members with strategic thinking
- Members with concern for the preservation and telling of the LCA story – its history and heritage
Terms of Reference
The Committee for Lutheran Media operates as a committee of the Council for Local Mission providing advice to the council on Lutheran Media-related matters and supporting the work of Lutheran Media.
Lutheran Media reaches out with the gospel of Jesus Christ through media. The committee provides advice and acts as a reference group to Lutheran Media.
We are looking for
- Members with knowledge and experience in Christian outreach
- Members with knowledge and experience in media
- Members with knowledge and experience in marketing
Terms of Reference
The Committee for Ministry with the Ageing is a committee of the Council for Local Mission. It has an emphasis on ministry to the ageing in congregations and in aged care services.
Gives guidance to the church in the development and coordination of ministry to the ageing and the provision of mission and ministry to the aged and in Lutheran aged care services. It works closely with the Governance Enhancement Committee and through that with aged care and community services.
We are looking for
- Members with aged-care industry experience and who are capable of representing the LCA on aged-care sector bodies
- Pastor with expertise in ministry with ageing
- Two lay members with expertise in ministry with ageing
- Members with knowledge and experience of working with ageing people in a congregational setting.
Terms of Reference
The Committee for New and Renewing Churches operates as a committee of the Council for Local Mission providing advice to the council on the work of New and Renewing Churches department.
Provides support and advice on church planting and renewing missional culture within the Lutheran Church of Australia and acts as a reference group to the New and Renewing Churches department.
We are looking for
- Pastor currently serving in a local congregation
- Members with expertise in diverse models of mission in new and established contexts
- Members who are practitioners in local mission in new and/or existing mission fields
- Member with experience in strategic planning and/or organisational management
Terms of Reference
LECANZ is a group within the LCA, joined together by a common desire to promote the care of God’s creation. The committee is accountable to the Commission on Social and Bioethical Questions.
The purpose of LECANZ is to promote respect for and improved stewardship of God’s creation and make available resources and other appropriate forms of support to achieve this end.
We are looking for
- Pastor
- Members with experience in environmental science and related fields
- Members with experience in education and training
- Theological perspectives on care for creation
- Practitioner in environmental and energy efficiency
- Members with experience in public policy
Terms of Reference
The Council for Local Mission has oversight of local mission across the LCA and LCNZ.
Provides strategic leadership and support to nurture a growing missional culture in the church and promotes, resources and coordinates within the church participation in the Triune God’s mission to Australia and New Zealand in bringing the good news of Jesus Christ to all people.
We are looking for
- Pastor serving in a local church-related community
- Members with experience and expertise in leading or working in mission in a local context
- Members with experience in strategic planning and/or organisational management
Terms of Reference
Assists the GCB in fulfilling its responsibilities prescribed in the LCA’s By-Laws (Section VIII. D.) and in respect to relevant legislation. It provides independent comment, advice and counsel to GCC on matters considered by the committee at its regular meetings.
We are looking for
- Members with finance/risk/audit-related qualifications and relevant experience
Terms of Reference
To implement the programs of the church in accordance with the policies established by General Synod, and to ensure that the mission of the church, the proclamation of the gospel of Christ remains central in the work of the church.
We are looking for
- Members with mission expertise and experience in a local context
- Members with experience in legal/governance; financial/accounting; human resources; and organisational and change management
Terms of Reference
- LCA Constitution (refer to section 8.4 of the By-laws)
A tribunal’s function and jurisdiction is to hear, determine and otherwise deal with (‘hear’), in accordance with the constitution and these by-laws, matters which are referred to it by the Tribunal Administrator.
A tribunal may do all things necessary or convenient to be done for, or in relation to, the performance of its function.
We are looking for
- Members who have a good understanding of the church
- Members who have knowledge, skills and experience in specific areas such as Lutheran theology and the law
- Members who have skills and experience in complaints handling and conflict resolution
Terms of Reference
Coordinates and organises activities and events to promote understanding and appreciation of the sanctity of life, from conception until natural death, within the LCA and in the general community. This is done through education, literature, seminars, conferences and other speaking opportunities.
We are looking for
- Parish pastor with a special interest in Lutheran ethics
- Members with a legal background
- Members in the medical field
- Members with accounting/bookkeeping skills
- Members with experience in life, family or Christian sex education
Terms of Reference
Women of the Lutheran Church of Australia who meet together for Bible study and fellowship, and to serve our Lord, our church, congregation, community and world in love. Our objectives are to engage in Bible study and worship, service and fellowship.
We are looking for
- Pastor member who has an interest in the Lutheran Women of Australia
Supervises, reviews, and advises on all constitutional matters relating to the church, its boards and committees, and to its districts and auxiliary organisations in their relationship to the church, so that all things may be done decently and in good order.
We are looking for
- Parish pastors and lay members who are voting members of congregations of the church with:
- Constitutional knowledge
- An understanding of church teaching
- The ability to critically review documents attending to detail and consistency
- Good literacy, logical thinking and decision-making skills
- The ability to work in a team
- A deep love for the work of the church and a willingness and ability to devote time and energy to the work of the committee
Terms of Reference
Ensures that sufficient suitable nominations are in place for all synodically elected positions on the boards, councils, commissions and committees of the LCA, for the elections that are held at regular synodical conventions. This work is done in the months leading up to the convention.
We are looking for
- Members with knowledge relevant to the committee
- Members with relevant experience and knowledge of the sector
- Members with knowledge of broad policy directions/emerging issues
- Members with an understanding of church teaching
- Members with strategic planning
Terms of Reference
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Contact us
197 Archer Street North Adelaide SA 5006
08 8267 7300