Cross Cultural Ministry
We strive to nurture an inclusive missional culture throughout the LCANZ and boost the confidence of members to reach out to those of other cultural backgrounds. We want to see new and existing cross-cultural communities developed, strengthened, and integrated into the life of the church. We support our districts and congregations in ministering to and with new arrivals in Australia and New Zealand, and we encourage the celebration of cultural expressions of the one faith and the development of culturally intelligent mission-oriented leadership.

Let's get started
For a quick introduction to how Lutheran communities in Australia and New Zealand are welcoming people from other countries, we suggest you start with our video and podcast.
Podcast: Sharing life (and faith) with strangers
with Craig and Beverley Heidenreich
Many of us find it difficult to talk about our faith with friends and family who aren't Christians, let alone with strangers. And when those strangers are from a cultural background different from our own, it can be even more daunting. But for Craig and Beverly Heidenreich, cross-cultural faith-sharing is a regular and enjoyable part of life. Be inspired as they share why - and how - they do it.
Featured stories
Community Refugee Integration Support Program (CRISP)
If you have a concern for refugees and would like to be more directly involved, you might be interested in this new program that the Australian Government is currently trialling, the Community Refugee Integration and Settlement Pilot (CRISP). Essentially CRISP is designed around the idea that a small group of ‘normal people’ can band together and care for a family for the first year.

The congregation at Mandurah in Western Australia consists mainly of professional retirees searching for practical ways to express their faith. They have decided to take the risk of directly sponsoring a refugee family from overseas through the CRISP program. Read the rest of the story...
Is this something YOUR congregation could get involved in?
Find out more about CRISP:
In recent years we have run conferences to encourage and equip people across the church who are working in cross-cultural ministry. If you are interested in learning more about this exciting area of ministry, take a look at our conference reports and videos.
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