Worship services are an integral part of our Christian life - but sometimes we can't attend services in person. Whether you live far from a local congregation, live in an aged care or other facility or are ill at home or in hospital, you are always welcome to join us online in worship. This page lists the many congregations which share their services online, as well as providing advice for congregations wishing to start livestreaming.
Livestreaming Advice
NEW! The following guidelines have been prepared to support congregations and church agencies who are engaged in or considering livestreaming and other online ministry activities.
Online Worship and Ministry Guidelines
(Created August 2024)
It is important for all congregations to abide by national copyright laws when providing online worship and ministry activities. Please ensure that you refer to the following document when preparing to livestream:
Copyright: A Guide for Australian Congregations
(Updated December 2023)
LCA Livestreaming
In partnership with Lutheran Media, the LCA has livestreamed services from two churches every week for many years. You can view services live or browse past services online.
St Michael’s Lutheran Church, Hahndorf, South Australia - Streamed live at 9:30am (ACST) each Sunday
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Toowoomba, Queensland - Streamed live at 9:00am (AEST) each Sunday
Mawson Lakes Community Church, South Australia - Streamed live at 10.15am ACST (with worship beginning at 10.30) each Sunday
Or go to www.livestream.com/luthworship to access past services.
Services in Languages Other Than English
Indonesian Sydney http://indonesian-sydney.lutheran.org.au/khotbah/
Worship for the Deaf Community
Adelaide Deaf Community Church, Pilgrim Lutheran Church, Magill, Adelaide. Access services via their website.
Online Worship Across the LCANZ
Many congregations now offer their services online and are happy to welcome you to watch one of their services. The list below is organised by areas, but don't let distance be a barrier - check out worship all around the church!