Lutherans for Life
About us
Our logo
God's gift of human life is shown in the central figure, which symbolises a mother with unborn child. The human embryo and the human cell (zygote) are living and developing members of the human family.
The heart shape within the logo represents the love, care and protection that every human life – no matter what age – needs.
The circular theme symbolises the importance of family and community, and also that life is part of eternity.
The circle is enveloped by the protective shadow of the cross of Christ, which points to the saving act of God, through which people become members of his spiritual family. It is as we live under the cross that we learn about the sanctity of all human life, created and redeemed by God.
Pre-birth issues
Life issues
End-of-life issues
More resources
Contact us
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Please support us
LFL is not funded from the LCA general budget. We depend on donations, sponsorships, bequest and fundraising projects. The link below takes you to our LCA online donations site, where you can donate securely via credit card. You can also download a printable form to send alongside cash or cheque gifts.
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