New and Renewing Churches
We serve the kingdom of God by supporting church planting and missional renewal. We desire to go as God’s people and form missional communities and congregations across Australia and New Zealand. We know that God’s love comes to life when God’s people grow in his grace and go out into the world with his love.

Let's get started
For a quick introduction to what New and Renewing Churches is all about, we suggest you start with this video and podcast.
Podcast: Taking church to the streets
with Matt and Becca Schubert
We often hear that we live in a post-Christian society. And yet, the LCA and other denominations are planting new churches among our growing suburban communities. Church planter and newly ordained Specific Ministry Pastor Matt Schubert, of Everhope Church south of Perth, offers his reflections on why church plants can reach people established churches have not, as he talks about his journey in ministry and the formation of his new faith community.
What we're hoping to do
The New Testament is written from the perspective of church planting. Its authors were actively engaged in that task; its message is uniquely suited to it. To read its pages is to be immersed in the world of missional communities sharing the gospel in the power of the Spirit. It’s the story of God doing impossible things through ordinary people against impossible odds. It is nothing less than the spontaneous expansion of the Christian church. And one of the main features of that was deep, sustained and wholehearted partnerships. We believe that God still does impossible things through ordinary people against impossible odds. Join us as we walk with your missional community, equip you for missional renewal, provide events to support church planting, and give you tools for relational evangelism.
Gospel Fluency Workshop

Do you ever feel awkward, ill-equipped, unqualified or unprepared to share the gospel? Do you know someone who is curious about the gospel, Jesus, or the Christian faith, but you just aren’t sure of the next steps? Do you wish you could more freely share the gospel in a natural way with your friends, family, workmates, or neighbours?
If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, a Gospel Fluency Workshop might benefit you. These workshops are designed to give you a vocabulary, context and practice in sharing the good news in words and actions with those around you.

SENT – seeking the orphans of God
This book is for everyone concerned about how to participate with God in this seeking, saving and sending work: sowing the gospel and reaping God’s harvest. It seeks to answer the question, how do you approach the task of reaping the harvest in a way that feels natural and is both ethical and fruitful?
The Epaphras Project
Stand firm in all the will of God, mature and fully assured - Colossians 4:12

Who on earth is Epaphras?
Epaphras was an evangelist. St Paul also tells us that Epaphras was ‘always wrestling in prayer’ for Christians so that they might ‘stand firm in all the will of God, mature and fully assured’ (Colossians 4:12). Epaphras is working hard in prayer! We might call him an intercessor or a prayer warrior.
Who are the Epaphrases in your congregation? They just may be among the quietest, least famous, but most vital people in your church! Will you join the Epaphras Project?

Bring Jesus - Steen Olsen
This is a series of 20 easy-to-read, practical articles about bringing Jesus along with you wherever you go. Author Steen Olsen is a former mission director and longtime practitioner of building everyday opportunities to share the gospel.
In recent years we have run conferences to encourage and equip people across the church who are reaching out to their communities with the love of Jesus. If you are interested in learning more about this exciting area of ministry, take a look at these video chats with people already working in their neighbourhood mission fields.
Conference videos
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