Child Safety action plan deadline approaching
If they haven’t already done so late in 2024, all LCA congregations should now be undertaking a self-assessment and preparing their round 2 Child Safety Standards Action Plan.
Serving the most vulnerable for 75 years
This year, the Lutheran Church of Australia and New Zealand celebrates 75 years of serving the most vulnerable through the ministry of Australian Lutheran World Service.
LLL sponsors vital teacher trauma-aware education
Supporting Lutheran education is at the heart of the mission at LLL Australia, so it was delighted to sponsor a group of teachers who undertook important trauma awareness education in Queensland last year.
Upcoming Safe Church Training sessions
There are several LCANZ Safe Church Training live online sessions and face-to-face workshops happening in November.
‘Working together to proclaim the holy birth’
by Bishop Paul Smith
In the lead-up to Christmas, Bishop Paul Smith reflects on the New Zealand and Australian tradition of Christian churches working together to proclaim the holy birth of the Christ-child.
Bishops explain ordination pathways
The four pathways to ordination in the LCANZ are explained in the new ‘Candidacy Pathways for the Office of the Public Ministry’ document released this month.