Our Logo, Our Mission

Our Logo

The blue background represents water. The fluidity of water is reflected in God's character. He is constant and faithful, but he is always moving; you cannot ever capture or contain him. Water is life; without water, you will quickly die. Many people are dead inside because they do not have a life with God. Water also makes us clean. Lutherans believe that no matter how bad you have been, God wants to wash away every trace of your past and make you brand new again.

The cross is golden brown. The gold reminds us that Jesus is God’s only Son; he is royalty, the King of Kings. Yet, he left all of that to come to earth to live with us, and even to die for us. He understands the heartache of broken relationships and what it is like to struggle and feel rejection. There is nothing pretty about pain, or about dying and Jesus understands that. The cross is also sloping forwards, and that represents a new future with Jesus, here on earth and then in heaven.

The Southern Cross reminds us that even on the darkest nights, God is still watching over us. He is close to us and never abandons us. The Southern Cross used to guide sailors and travellers. The cross guides us too, always pointing us to Jesus who loved us so much that he died and rose again, so we can live with him forever.

The red flames represent the Holy Spirit, which is the presence of God right here among us. On a cold night, a fire brings warmth and comfort. The Holy Spirit does that too, by giving us the peace of an eternity safe with God. Just like a fire, the Holy Spirit can also be wild and dangerous, at times burning off the deadwood of our lives. This might be painful sometimes, but it is so we can begin a fresh new life.
Logo use
LCA agencies and congregations should use the LCA logo on signage, documents, websites and the like.
Our Tagline

Where love comes to life reflects the heart and soul of our mission. In every district and department of the Lutheran Church of Australia, in every congregation and school, and in every Australian and New Zealander who identifies as Lutheran, we want to be places where love comes to life. In other words, we want people to see the love, grace, forgiveness and compassion of Jesus Christ coming to them through every place and every person in our church.
Our Song
Our song 'Where Love Comes to Life', was written in 2012 by Pastor Adrian Kitson and Emma Kitson for the 2013 General Convention of Synod.
(c) Pastor Adrian Kitson. Permission granted for use in LCA congregations.
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