New way for mission-focused pastor to serve
Pastor Mark Schultz has accepted a call from the LCANZ to serve as Assistant to the Bishop – International Mission. He has served at Sydney’s multi-ethnic, multisite LifeWay Lutheran Church for 18 years and wasn’t looking to move – but God intervened.
Indonesian study centre support grows
At the time of writing, $10,669.25 has been contributed to the General Synod offering, which will support the Lutheran Study Centre in Pematangsiantar in northern Sumatra, Indonesia.
Journey through the ’12 Days of Christmas’
by Erin Kerber
LCA International Mission’s booklet, ‘Joy to the World – 12 Days of Christmas’, shares insights into how our partner countries and churches celebrate Christmas. Through Bible verses and crafts, activities or recipes for each country, it encourages reflection on the true meaning of Christmas.
Blessings of consistent connection: Border Crossings out now
Enjoy the latest issue of Border Crossings from LCA International Mission and read about how God’s love is coming to life through the word-and-action gospel work of our partner churches.
Synod offering to support Indonesian study centre
The offering from the upcoming LCANZ Convention of General Synod will go to supporting the Lutheran Study Centre in Pematangsiantar in northern Sumatra, Indonesia.
English conversation partners needed
LCA International Mission is seeking volunteer English-speaking conversation partners for teachers from Cambodia.