Sharing life – and faith – with strangers
24 November 2023

24 November 2023
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Sharing life - and faith - with strangers
Craig and Beverley Heidenreich
Many of us find it difficult to talk about our faith with friends and family who aren't Christians, let alone with strangers. And when those strangers are from a cultural background different from our own, it can be even more daunting. But for Craig and Beverly Heidenreich, cross-cultural faith-sharing is a regular and enjoyable part of life. Be inspired as they share why - and how - they do it.
If someone welcomes you in Jesus name, they've welcomed the one who sent you. So God is here. And let's just be with them. God's loving kindness is wonderful for people to experience.

It's become a treasure hunt every day. I'm one conversation away from finding a wonderful person who I could bless. Some of them I might ultimately share Jesus with. That makes life worth living. This brings that lovely sense that Jesus has in Matthew 25, if you've done it to the least of these, you've done it to me.
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