Devotions are times of daily, meaningful interaction between a believer and God that help us to grow in faith. Devotions can be private, between an individual and God, or held in a group like a family or workplace. Group devotions strengthen bonds between believers as well as with God.

Daily Devotion
Start or finish each day in God’s word with devotions written by LCANZ members.
Permission is granted to reproduce these devotions with this acknowledgement: 'Reproduced with permission: Lutheran Church of Australia 2025'. If possible, please provide a link to the Daily Devotion archive page

Thank you to our 2024 writers!
We thank God for these wonderful people who wrote devotions for one or more weeks in 2024. Thank you for using your gifts to serve the many thousands of us who read Daily Devotion every day. You have pointed us to Jesus, day after day, in what has been a very difficult year for many people. May God bless you: Carolyn Ehrlich, Charles Bertelsmeier, Colleen Fitzpatrick, Craig Heidenreich, Dianne Eckermann, Eden Bishop, Emma Strelan, Faye Schmidt, Jo Corney, Jonathan Krause, Kathy Matuschka, Kirsten Due, Maria Rudolph, Neil Bergmann, Norma Koehne, Pastor Fraser Pearce, Pastor Glenn Crouch, Pastor Greg Fowler, Pastor Jim Strelan, Pastor Mark Gierus, Pastor Mark Lieschke, Pastor Matt Bishop, Pastor Peter Bean, Pastor Reid Matthias, Pastor Stephen Abraham, Pastor Tim Castle-Schmidt, Pastor Tim Klein, Pastor Noel Due, Pauline Simonsen, Rachael Stelzer, Ruth Olsen, Sal Huckel, Stuart Gray, Tatiana Overduin, Verena Johnson.
Printable Daily Devotions
LCA Communications produces a week of devotions in advance in ready-to-print format for congregations to deliver to members. You will find each week's set here to download on Friday mornings. Or, to receive an email reminder when the sets are ready each week, simply ask us at

Everyday and Seasonal Prayer
Need a devotion for a meeting, your workplace or to use at home? Everyday Prayer and Seasonal Prayer are excellent devotional resources: something for any day, time of day or time of year. With the addition of some appropriate songs or hymns and perhaps a short sermon/address/reflection, they could also be used as a brief order of service (eg for midweek Lenten services). Available online with accompanying PowerPoints. Download Everyday Prayer – Daily Lectionary: a listing of daily Bible readings for each day of the Church Year.

Bible reading plans and resources
Reading the Bible is one of the best ways to grow your knowledge and understanding of God. While you can read it any way you like, it can be helpful to have a plan to help you work your way through God's word.
Three-year plan
Under this plan, you will read the entire Bible in three years: Old Testament Reading Guide (two years) and New Testament Reading Guide (one year).

'So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness' (Colossians 2:6,7).
Daily time with God
The starting point for a healthy spiritual life is having daily time alone with God. We need times of solitude, silence, contemplation, reflection, prayer and meditation with him. For a relationship to grow, you need to spend time together. There are good reasons why spending time alone with God each day is important:
- We were created to have fellowship with God.
- Jesus died to make a relationship with God possible.
- Time alone with God was Jesus’ source of strength (Mark 1:35, 6:46 and Luke 5:16, 6:12, 22:39).
- We need it to be healthy, growing Christians.
The purpose is not to learn about God but to spend time with him:
- To give devotion and glory to God (Psalm 29:2).
- To get direction from God – to consider your way (Psalm 25:4, Proverbs 3:6) and to commit your day (Psalm 37:5).
- To gain delight in God (Psalm 37:4).
- To grow daily like God (Acts 4:13).
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