Faith and Worship
Our congregations are where we gather as the body of Christ to receive God's blessings, to grow in our understanding of his word and in our love towards one another.
Mission and Ministry
We want people to see the love, grace, forgiveness and compassion of Jesus Christ coming to them through every place and every person in our church. We produce and curate resources to support individuals and congregations to engage in ministry and mission – in their local communities and beyond.
Governance and Administration
Many volunteers in our church are engaged governance and administration, often in the setting of church boards, councils or committees. We have created and collated a broad range of resources to help you in your important roles.
Agencies and Auxiliaries
There are some things congregations and communities cannot do alone. Our LCANZ agencies and auxiliaries serve us and the wider community in specialist service and ministry areas, including international aid and development, international mission, tertiary education, schools, aged care and community services, indigenous ministries, and media-based outreach.
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