Your Will is an important legal document. It can also be a strong statement of your faith and commitment to your church. Specifying a bequest to the Lutheran Church of Australia in your Will allows you to go on giving after your death.
Jesus said, 'I chose you and appointed you to go and bear much fruit, fruit that will last’ (John 15:16).

Fruit that will last: a guide to making your will
You produce fruit that lasts when you remember the Lord's will:
By faithful stewardship
In your Will, you make decisions about how God's gifts to you will be used to keep on serving him when you are no longer here.
By providing for your dependants
You should provide adequately for your family, especially those still dependent on you, asking God to guide you so that you make these bequests wisely.
By supporting your church
When, by God's grace, you have entered into the joy of your Lord, your bequests to the church can still make it possible for others to hear the good news of Jesus Christ, and to follow you to eternal life.
Your Will is a document written during your lifetime to say how you want your estate – your property and money – to be distributed after you die. Your Will is an opportunity to provide for your loved ones and to say thank you to them. It is also an opportunity to provide for ministries you have supported during your lifetime.
An up-to-date Will is the only way to ensure your estate is distributed according to your wishes. If you don't make a Will, your estate will be distributed according to the law of the day. This might be quite different from how you want it distributed.
You need either to make a Will if you want to decide how your possessions are distributed when you die or have recently turned 18. You need to review your existing Will if it is five years old or more, if you have recently celebrated the birth of a new baby, or if your marital status has changed recently (newly married, widowed, separated, divorced).
As you prepare or revise your Will, seek the help of an expert, such as a solicitor.

Important points to consider
- Your Will should make fair provision for your immediate family. This is your Christian duty and will help to avoid any legal challenge.
- Keep your Will flexible by allowing for future events, such as the death of one or more of your beneficiaries.
- Provide for the effects of inflation. You might prefer to use portions (1/8, 1/3 or 1/2) or percentages (10%, 20%, 50%) in distributing your property and money.
- As a Christian, remember that everything you have comes from God. Your Will is a final way of giving thanks to him. It is also a way of providing for the ongoing mission and ministry of your church.
- As a witness to your faith, consider a Christian preamble to your Will.
- In thanks to God, consider naming the church in your Will.
- When you go to a professional person or organisation for help in making your Will, ask about an Enduring Power of Attorney. This is another very important aspect to consider in attending to your affairs.
Steps in making your Will
1. Professional help
You should obtain professional help from a solicitor or another person qualified to advise and assist you in making a valid Will.
2. Your assets
- Make a list of all your assets, such as real estate, bank accounts, jewellery, heirlooms, shares etc.
- Decide which items you want to give to a particular person or organisation.
- Decide on the people and organisations you want to nominate in your Will.
3. Executor
Choose an executor – somebody you can trust and is likely to live longer than you. This person will ensure that your Will is carried out as instructed. You can decide to have more than one executor.
4. Safekeeping
Keep the original copy of your Will in a safe place. The person advising you will help you find a suitable location. Ensure that your executor and/or next of kin know where it is.
5. Review
Review your Will. If you want to alter your original instructions because of changed circumstances etc, make the necessary changes by starting again at step 1 above. Follow these procedures and prepare a new Will.
Consider the Lutheran Church of Australia in your Will
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