About Us
Lutherans in Australia
About 190,000 Australians and New Zealanders identify as Lutheran, according to the latest Australian Census data. The Lutheran Church of Australia and New Zealand (LCANZ) is a relatively small Christian denomination with 30,000 regular worshippers. The LCANZ oversees its various congregations, districts, offices, missions and other facilities.
Lutherans worldwide
During the past four centuries, Lutheran people emigrated from Europe to many parts of the world. Wherever they went they founded new Lutheran communities. During the same period, Lutherans began missionary activities, and now there are Lutheran churches on every inhabited continent and throughout almost all countries across the globe.
What we believe
We believe, according to our confession, that we are saved 'by grace, for Christ's sake, through faith'. We believe that the Bible is the only source of inspiration and teaching. The Lutheran Church of Australia subscribes to the central teachings of Lutherans worldwide. We adhere to the three ecumenical creeds of Christians around the world.
How we worship
Lutherans believe that worship is less about what we do for God and more about what God does for us. We simply respond in prayer and praise to the God who comes down to us. As Lutherans, we worship together, as a public gathering of God's people, and privately, in our own lives. Everyone is welcome to join. Find out more below or at your local church.
Our structure
The Lutheran Church of Australia is a synodical church, meaning that congregations walk together with each other. We also recognise that every congregation is a unique expression of our church. So, while all congregations adhere to the LCA Constitution, they are free to exercise their own interpretations of mission and ministry objectives.
Our history
In 1838, a group of devout Lutherans led by Pastor August Kavel left Germany and settled in the new colony of South Australia. Lutheran missionaries soon began work among Indigenous Australians. In the 1840s, the same desire to share the gospel saw Missionary J F H Wohlers begin work among the Maoris in Ruapuke Island, New Zealand.
Our logo, our mission
We want people to see the love, grace, forgiveness and compassion of Jesus Christ coming to them through every place and every person in our church.
Like all families, Australian and New Zealand Lutherans have their own unique story. Our logo helps us to tell our story. It represents how we see ourselves as two nations under the Southern Cross – created by God, redeemed by Jesus Christ and empowered by the Holy Spirit to serve the people of our two nations and the world.
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