What We Believe
In a nutshell
In the words of the classic Lutheran summary of faith, we believe that we are saved 'by grace, for Christ's sake, through faith'. In other words, there is nothing we can do to earn God's favour or to gain eternal life. Through his death and resurrection, Jesus Christ has won all this and more for us.
Lutherans believe in the Triune God (the Holy Trinity), Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
We believe that the Bible is the word of God, and it is the only source of inspiration and teaching. God comes to us through hearing the word of God and through the means of grace – baptism and holy communion.
Lutherans worldwide also believe that the Lutheran Confessions, contained in the Book of Concord of 1580, are true expositions of the word of God. These documents are:
- the three ecumenical creeds (confessed by Christians around the world): the Apostles' Creed, the Nicene Creed and the Athanasian Creed
- the Augsburg Confession
- the Apology of the Augsburg Confession
- the Smalcald Articles
- the Small Catechism of Luther
- the Large Catechism of Luther
- the Formula of Concord.
We believe that God created the universe and everything in it and that he created humans as the crown of creation and moral beings for a life of worship and service to God (Isaiah 43:7, Psalm 100).
'Presence' video series
'Presence' is a nine-part video series introducing what Lutherans believe. The films are intended to be conversation starters. If you would like to explore these themes or have any questions about what Lutherans believe, please contact your local Lutheran church.
Commission on Theology and Inter-Church Relations
The Commission on Theology and Inter-Church Relations (CTICR) oversees the development of theological advice and statements and works on the relationships between the LCANZ and other churches. At the request of the College of Bishops or the General Convention of Synod, it periodically studies a contemporary issue in the life of the church or society and prepares statements for information or adoption. Click on the button below to learn more about our ecumenical relationships or read or download the Doctrinal Statements and Theological Opinions CTICR has produced over many years.
From Bishop Paul
From time to time, LCANZ Bishop Paul Smith issues pastoral messages to our members in relation to current events in the world and the church.
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