LAMP2 - LCA People & Organisation Directory

Finding your way with LAMP2
LAMP stands for Lutherans in Australasia Members Portal. For many years, LAMP has been the LCA’s and LCNZ’s electronic directory. It has been the go-to electronic resource for people, places and groups across the church.
The new look LAMP2 replaces LAMP, which has been decommissioned.
LAMP2 is now the place to look to find contact information about:
- people (pastors, lay workers, employees, congregation office-bearers, Churchwide and District office officials)
- congregations and parishes (locations and contact details)
- worship services (places and times, including special/irregular services)
- associated church entities (camps, schools, commissions, boards, etc).
Who can access LAMP2?
For security reasons, only authorised people are able to access LAMP2. This includes church workers (pastors, lay workers and other employees), congregation and parish office-bearers, and people serving on Churchwide or District boards or committees. Other people may be given access based on need or a specific request.
How do you access LAMP2?
The LCA Portal (see the top right corner of the LCA website) is the gateway to LAMP2. You already use this if you are paid in HRS or have access to LCA SharePoint and webmail. Your LCA email address and password are your key through this gateway. If you have submitted the relevant form (see below) and it has been approved, you should have access to the portal.
Please read the instructions on how to navigate LAMP2.
Still stuck? Contact IT Support. Clicking on the button below will raise a ticket.
Requesting access
You are authorised to access LAMP2 if you are a parish or congregation leader, pastor, lay worker or employee (even if not paid through LCA HRS). To gain access, you must complete and return the LAMP2 access form. Click on the download button below. Send your completed form, including appropriate signatures, to for action.

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