Religion and domestic violence report: Call for responses
The LCANZ is calling for responses to the Religion and domestic violence: Exploring men’s perpetration report. The report provides members of the church with an opportunity to receive and be guided by people’s experiences of domestic and family violence.
Nominations for church governance bodies now open
Nominations for positions on the boards, councils, commissions and committees of the LCANZ for the next synodical term are now open. Governance body members who wish to continue in their role also need to submit a nomination, as reappointment is not guaranteed.
General Synod delegate details and fees reminder
If your LCANZ parish has not yet submitted your General Synod delegate details and paid your delegate fee, please do so as soon as possible as these are now overdue.
Child Safety Standards April 2024 update
Regular reviews of our child safety practice help us to see what we are doing well and where improvement is needed. Continuous improvement helps to ensure our children are as safe as possible at church for worship, fellowship, and all other activities.
Domestic violence report group appointed
The LCANZ is continuing its efforts to prevent domestic and family violence (DFV) among its members, in the wake of the release of a report which finds that some religious beliefs about gender can be used to justify DFV.
New risk management guide for churches
by Lucinda Osborne
Recently, the General Church Board approved a new Risk Management Policy. To help with compliance with this new policy, LCA Insurance has created a Risk Management Guide for Churches.