Indonesian study centre support grows
At the time of writing, $21,836.30 has been contributed to the General Synod offering, which will support the Lutheran Study Centre (LSC) in Pematangsiantar in northern Sumatra, Indonesia.
Many churches in Indonesia have expressed a desire to deepen their understanding of Lutheran theology and to identify more closely with the Lutheran tradition. With 13 Lutheran synods in Indonesia (mostly in North Sumatra) and a total of more than 6 million members, it is one of the greatest concentrations of practising Lutherans around the globe. Being a Lutheran community in a predominantly Islamic country means access to theology can be difficult at times.
There is still time for congregations and individuals to contribute to the Synod offering.
Congregations can donate to the Synod offering via the LLL (see details below) or send a cheque (payable to LCA Synod).
To contribute to the Synod offering:
Deposit your offering into the Synod account with the LLL (click here) or use the details below.
Name of account: LCA Synod
BSB: 704942
Account number: 100698743
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