Indonesian study centre support grows
At the time of writing, $10,669.25 has been contributed to the General Synod offering, which will support the Lutheran Study Centre in Pematangsiantar in northern Sumatra, Indonesia.
Synod offering to support Indonesian study centre
The offering from the upcoming LCANZ Convention of General Synod will go to supporting the Lutheran Study Centre in Pematangsiantar in northern Sumatra, Indonesia.
General Synod theme and logo launched
Grace as God’s unifying gift to his church will be the thematic focus of next year’s LCANZ 21st Convention of General Synod in Adelaide.
First-ever online General Synod sessions run smoothly
The first-ever online sessions of a Convention of LCA General Synod have run smoothly overall, thanks to the diligent pre-Synod work done by most delegates.