Indonesian study centre support grows
At the time of writing, $10,669.25 has been contributed to the General Synod offering, which will support the Lutheran Study Centre in Pematangsiantar in northern Sumatra, Indonesia.
‘A space between the places’: a time to pause, pray and listen
by Bishop Paul Smith
Our Lord Jesus entered into a ‘space between the places’.
Synod enables ordination of women and men
On 5 October at the 21st Regular Convention of the LCANZ, General Synod voted to enable the ordination of both women and men as pastors in the church.
Young Lutherans share inspirational witness
Seven young representatives of Lutheran churches in Indonesia and Papua New Guinea inspired General Synod delegates, visitors, volunteers and LCANZ staff with their hope-filled witness last Friday.
‘Walking wet’ in the baptismal life
As Pastor Neville Otto told worshippers during Synod’s closing service, 158 years ago Lutheran missionaries set out ‘walking wet’ from SA’s Barossa Valley to take the gospel to the state’s Far North.
Synod elects General Church Board
All six General Church Board members who stood for re-election will serve the LCANZ again in the 2024–27 synodical period, after Synod voted them back in for another term.