Synod offering to support Indonesian study centre
The offering from General Synod will be supporting the Lutheran Study Centre (LSC) in Pematangsiantar in northern Sumatra, Indonesia.
Many churches in Indonesia have expressed a desire to deepen their understanding of Lutheran theology and to identify more closely with the Lutheran tradition. With 13 Lutheran synods in Indonesia (mostly in North Sumatra) and a total of more than 6 million members, it is one of the greatest concentrations of practicing Lutherans around the globe. Being a Lutheran community in a predominantly Islamic country means access to theology can be difficult at times.
That’s where the LSC steps in.
The LSC was opened in response to the growing need for Lutheran study opportunities in Indonesia.
Currently, however, none of the four seminaries has a lecturer dedicated to the teaching of Lutheran theology. The largest (STT-HKBP) of these seminaries has over 600 undergraduate students and 100 postgraduate students. STT-Abdi Sabda is only a little smaller.
Helping these students and faculty develop a deeper sense of God’s grace in Christ would be a major contribution to the ministry and mission of the gospel in this land.
In collaboration with the Lutheran World Federation and the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, LCANZ is helping sponsor the development of a Lutheran Study Centre to support these aims.
And we need your help.
Congregations can donate to the Synod offering via the LLL (see details below), send a cheque (payable to LCA Synod) or send cash with their delegate to Synod.
To contribute to the Synod offering:
Deposit your offering into the Synod account with the LLL (click here) or use the details below.
Name of account: LCA Synod
BSB: 704942
Account number: 100698743
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