Lutherans for Life has compiled these public resources for your use. Find our newsletter, Life News, alongside Bible study and group discussion materials, LCA public statements, articles, media, and more.

Life News
Life News is Lutherans for Life’s (LFL) biannual newsletter, which goes out to every pastor and parish of the Lutheran Church of Australia (LCA), as well as individual subscribers.
Each edition usually comprises a feature article dealing with a contemporary life issue, as well as shorter pieces and news snippets from around the world.

Bible study and group discussion
We've put together these studies to assist you in your church or school. All you need to do is select your topic, download it and follow the instructions. We welcome any feedback. What worked? Didn't work? What further resources would you like us to develop? Email us.
LCA Public statements
The Lutheran Church of Australia (LCA) has public statements on issues such as birth control, abortion, human reproductive technology, marriage and de facto relationships, euthanasia or mercy killing, and human sexuality. Click on this link to access the LCA’s Doctrinal Statements and Theological Opinions on these and other topics. There are three volumes. Under each volume, scroll down the page to ‘H. Ethical and Social Issues’ – or simply read them below.

Worship and pastoral care
We believe when addressing life issues it's important not only to provide teaching and education material, but resources which can help us as a church community practically minister to hurting people. For example, what sort of prayer could one use to pray with a couple who has had an abortion they now regret? How can we bring Christian comfort to someone as they face death? This page provides these sorts of resources which are taken and adapted from the Lutheran Church of Australia's Rites and Resources for Pastoral Care.
Books for sale
We have a list of books and other resources available for purchase. Click the button below to see our resources and place an online order.

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