Natural Disasters
God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change, though the mountains shake in the heart of the sea (Psalm 46:1,2)

The LCANZ offers a range of resources to assist you as you navigate through your experience with natural disasters.

Lutheran Media
Trying to make sense of why bad things happen, including floods, fires and earthquakes, can be difficult. But there is hope.
Watch the videos, listen to the interview podcasts and read the free downloadable booklets from Lutheran Media and Messages of hope to discover encouragement and inspiration when dealing with crisis.
- Crisis videos
- After the Fires podcast
- It Doesn’t Make Sense podcast
- Where's God In All Of This? print booklet and PDF download
Lutheran Tract Mission
Lutheran Tract Mission has many resources to comfort you in times of natural disasters.
These include:
- Holding on to the cross (this was put together with the Anglican Church to give away with a cross for fires)
- A prayer of confidence (Psalm 16)
- Even when I don’t know the future (text card)
- In time of need (for your life – Bible verses and prayers)
- Our place of safety (bookmark)
- God is close to the brokenhearted (magnet)
- God will always make a way (bookmark)

Child, Youth and Family Ministries
LCA Child, Youth and Family Ministries have a series of articles with linked resources to help families and individuals.
These include:
- Processing the pain – We all need different ways of making meaning from our experiences. When we share our struggles with others it helps us to process the emotions and feelings we are wrestling with.
- How do we help when someone has one of those life-changing days? – When our friends or congregation members are in times of crisis, we are eager to help. But often when we call, we express our sympathy, and then say, 'Please let me know what I can do!' This may not be the most helpful way to support each other. Here are practical ideas on how to help.
Other LCANZ resources
The LCA's Disaster and Welfare Fund exists to meet the needs of people affected by disasters, such as droughts, floods and fires.

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