Blessing people at Advent and Christmas
by Nathan Hedt
Non-Christians are more open to receiving blessings and coming to church at Christmas. Nathan Hedt shares how we can bless those around us this Advent and Christmas season.
Easy Advent activities for the whole family
Are you looking for easy ways to celebrate Advent? Check out these fun activities that you can enjoy with your family.
Being bold with the gospel
by Anne Hansen
There’s no better time than Advent and Christmas to be bold in telling others about the gospel, especially as most people in Australia and New Zealand celebrate Christmas. Lutheran Tract Mission has more than 950 resources to help share God’s love, joy, comfort and peace at Christmas and year-round.
Advent resources galore!
Churchwide departments and agencies have produced loads of resources to help your congregation and family to celebrate the Advent/Christmas season. Check out some of them at Story of the Week.