LAMP 2 Search for an organisation
Select the LAMP2 App
Open the Organisation App
Type in the name of the place you are looking for – start with a town or suburb (eg Unley) or the name of the church (eg St Johns). Or you can try a combination (eg Unley St Johns – but do note the order).
Restrict the list by selecting an organisation type (eg congregation, parish, worship centre, school, etc) and by District using the arrows and selecting from the lists. Use the magnifying glass, the enter key or click your mouse on the screen to activate the search.
Select the organisation that best suits your query (use the enter key of the magnifying glass)
The tabs across show details of contacts details, office details (refer to the edit office details instructions on how to update these), people attached to the organisation (refer to the people tab for further details) and services (see instructions on how to update these).
- Updating organizations contact details – please send an email to with the details to be updated.
- Updating people details
If you wish to change your own personal details log into HRS and change your details. If you have issues accessing these details please contact IT Support on or on 088267730.
If the people are no longer your current team please send updated details to using the form from the LCA website LAMP2 – Lutheran Church of Australia ( – please scroll to the bottom of the page. - If you need any assistance please call the LCA Churchwide Office or your local district office.