Welcome to new Lutheran Media manager
Lutheran Media welcomes Dr Tania Nelson as Manager of Lutheran Media.
The Lutheran Church of Australia and New Zealand (LCANZ) is proud of its long and rich tradition of bringing Christ to the world via radio and, more recently, through social media, YouTube and its web presence. Since 1944, the LCANZ has shared the love of Jesus with millions of people in Australia, New Zealand and beyond.
‘When driving, I listen to 1079 Life, which is Adelaide’s Christian radio,’ says Tania. ‘I love hearing the positive and family-friendly messages alongside contemporary Christian music and selected secular music, and I am particularly excited when Lutheran Media’s Message of Hope is played.’
‘As Christians, we have such a powerful story to share with the world – the story of how Jesus has made a difference to me and how Jesus can make a difference to you, too. Using media is one means of sharing the joy we have in Christ. It’s so exciting to be able to use media in positive, uplifting and life-enhancing ways to the glory of God.’
Tania comes to Lutheran Media as the former Executive Officer for Local Mission. She joins the small and dedicated Lutheran Media team of Sarah, Jo, Clare and Emma, who provide content to over 1200 Christian and community radio stations as well as several commercial radio networks.
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