English conversation partners needed
LCA International Mission is seeking volunteer English-speaking conversation partners for seminary students from STT Abdi Sabda in Indonesia.
The online program, which will run from 12 July to 8 August this year, aims to give students the chance to practise their English skills with a native speaker and to grow in confidence. Volunteers are still welcome to join the program even if they are not available for all dates. Each session will begin at 8.00am Indonesian time (9.00am AWST, 10.30am ACST, 11.00am AEST, 1.00pm NZST) and will be 90 minutes long.
What for: being an online conversation partner with Indonesian seminary students
How: via Zoom online conferencing platform
When: weekdays from 12 July to 8 August 2023
Contact: erin.kerber@lca.org.au
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