What could I possibly offer?
by Pastor Greg Fowler
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‘Truly I tell you’, he said, ‘this poor widow has put in more than all the others. All these people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she out of her poverty put in all she had to live on’ (Luke 21:3,4).
Read Luke 20:41–21:4
There are so many times that I feel unqualified for life. There are just too many demands, and I often feel like I have nothing to give that is worth anything. When I was wooing my wife, I couldn’t imagine that such a beautiful lady would respond to me. When I became a parent, I was terrified I would ruin my children’s lives with my lack of wisdom. When I was ordained as a pastor, I knew I had nothing that would make me worthy to preach the gospel. I could only offer my faith in God and my poverty of spirit.
Fortunately, Jesus tells us that the poor in spirit are heirs to God’s kingdom and everything that entails – because he chooses it to be so. Our offering is not as important as the spirit in which it is given. Our willingness to be vessels of grace is the empowerment that allows us to do amazing things. I may not be that attractive, but when others see God’s spirit in me, they are happy for me to be around. I may not be wise, but when I seek God’s wisdom, I have something worthwhile to contribute. I may not have the gifts to serve others, but when God’s gifts are at work in me, people receive life and healing. My offering is my willingness for God to be at work.
I have been more blessed than I could ever imagine because God has taken the poverty of my gifts and used them for his purposes. Every day, I see others blessed by God at work through me. I can confidently live my calling, not because I am a superstar but because I know and have witnessed God do super things through my service to others. Thanks be to God!
Heavenly Father, help me today to offer myself to you in poverty of spirit. Use me for your kingdom and bless me as I serve others. Amen.
Pastor Greg lives in beautiful Redland Bay with his wife, Connie, where they enjoy the beaches, weather and outdoor lifestyle of South Brisbane. He serves Faith Lutheran College, Redlands, as the college pastor.
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