Religion and domestic violence report: Call for responses
The LCANZ is calling for responses to the Religion and domestic violence: Exploring men’s perpetration report.
The report, which was commissioned by the church in 2019 and released late last year, was funded by an Australian Research Council grant. It provides members of the church with an opportunity to receive and be guided by people’s experiences of domestic and family violence. This includes those who suffer the violence of others, those who are the perpetrators of that violence and those who have opportunities to respond to that violence.
The LCANZ now seeks informed responses to better understand and promote the report. These will guide ongoing strategies and actions to support people and congregations as they respond to experiences of domestic and family violence in their local settings. It is expected that responses will directly cite portions of the report, thereby avoiding generalisations.
The response document, which is available for download here, is structured to guide respondents through the report. Respondents are not expected to provide a response to every section unless they choose to do so.
Responses close on 31 May 2024. All submissions will be treated confidentially and will be viewed only by the report response team. After all submissions have been reviewed, a report will be prepared for the General Church Board by the end of June 2024. This report, with de-identified responses, will be presented to the October 2024 LCANZ Convention of General Synod.
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