LCA Logo and Branding

Logo explanation
The blue background represents water. The fluidity of water is reflected in God's character. He is constant and faithful, but he is always moving; you cannot ever capture or contain him. Water is life; without water, you will quickly die. Many people are dead inside because they do not have a life with God. Water also makes us clean. Lutherans believe that no matter how bad you have been, God wants to wash away every trace of your past and make you brand new again.

Our tagline, where love comes to life, reflects the heart and soul of our mission. In every district and department of the Lutheran Church of Australia (LCA), in every congregation and school, and in every Australian and New Zealander who identifies as Lutheran, we want to be places where love comes to life. In other words, we want people to see the love, grace, forgiveness and compassion of Jesus Christ coming to them through every place and every person in our church.

Design services
Our contract designers (who have worked with us for so long that they feel like part of our team) can design your stationery and signage, using the correct logo and LCANZ branding standards.
This work is done on a fee-for-service basis. We are happy to provide cost estimates.
Contact LCA Communications for more information.

Use of logo
The LCA logo may be used for signage and publications (print, digital and online) of LCA districts and agencies, including departments, boards, councils, congregations, schools and aged-care facilities. LCA districts and agencies do not require authorisation to use the logo if it is to be used in one of the forms in the accordion below.
Authorisation must be obtained if:
- the person or group wishes to change the logo in any way (eg separation of the elements, colour change), which may be possible in some circumstances; and/or
- the logo is to be used by a person or group that is not an LCA agency.
For authorisation to use the logo, and for alternative sizes and file formats, contact LCA Communications.
Logos for download
LCA districts and agencies may use the logo (and are encouraged to do so) subject to the conditions of use below. Other organisations and individual members of the LCANZ may not use the logo without permission. Contact LCA Communications for more information or alternative formats and sizes.
Approved logos
LCA Branding
If you're looking for stationery, signage and bulletin guidelines, you've come to the right place. LCA Communications has developed templates for congregations and agencies, using the correct forms and positioning of the LCA logo and its tagline.
You'll find more information in the brand guides below (click on the image or heading to download).
Contact LCA Communications for information and advice on stationery, signage and printing.
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