Letting God lead
‘“Come follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fish for people”. Immediately they left their nets and followed him’ (1 Corinthians 12:12).
In a very similar way, Jesus calls to us today to follow him. He doesn’t take into account what job we do, where we live or how much money we have – none of this matters. He also doesn’t worry about our successes or failures. In fact, failures can be seen as qualification marks to be in Christ’s kingdom.
Jesus longs to take you, redeem you, transform you and use you.
He took a group of ordinary fishermen, who were seen as failures in society’s eyes, and transformed them to go and transform the world. Transformation and change begin when we ‘let go and let God’.
Like the disciples, we, too, are called to leave our nets behind (our previous ways of thinking and acting). Our lives need to possess the new life of knowing and following Christ. Our hearts ought to be filled with so much joy and peace that others will notice the difference. We are called to trust the Lord and to walk in his ways.
Are you prepared and ready to let God lead your life and be used for his purposes?
Lutheran Tract Mission has many resources to help you grow in your personal life and discover what God has planned for you. Review the Christian growth resources at www.ltm.org.au
Anne Hansen is Lutheran Tract Mission’s Tract Development Officer.
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