Every conversation matters: National Child Protection Week 2024
National Child Protection Week 2024 (1–7 September) is here. The theme ‘Every conversation matters’ is a timely reminder to people of all ages to engage in discussions that serve to strengthen the safety of our children.
Conversations might be with other adults around child safety (reminders, checking, raising awareness, sharing ideas). Conversations might be between individuals or at an organisational level. Conversations might also be with our children as we teach, encourage and model protective behaviours.
Some such conversations might be challenging, but if we don’t have these discussions, we are effectively neglecting the safety of our children. Children who have not been part of such conversations are at greater risk of harm.
Topics might include body boundaries, consent and respect, safe and unsafe touch, the difference between good secrets (surprises) and bad (uncomfortable) secrets, emotions, bullying and speaking up when something is not feeling right.
You might be familiar with the 2024 government advertising campaign ‘One talk at a time’, which focuses specifically on conversations about sexual abuse.
Conversations with adults and children might also be around online safety. Here, we might talk about privacy and the things we shouldn’t share online, buying online, making ‘friends’ online, being bullied online and getting help with online issues.
The National Association for Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect (NAPCAN) has produced a booklet for families that includes activities and conversation starters. Check it out here.
The Australian Federal Police is urging all parents to ‘have the talk’ around online safety in 2024. Guidance and resources supplied by AFP are found here.
Australia’s eSafety Commissioner also provides excellent resources.
Let the conversations begin!
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