Agenda 2.1 - Proposals from LCA boards, councils and commissions
Agenda 2.1.1 Adopt and implement Way Forward Detailed Framework General Church Board and College of Bishops
Revised Agenda 2.1.1 Adopt and implement Way Forward Detailed Framework General Church Board and College of Bishops
Agenda 2.1.2 Establish minimum tenure for nomination for bishop and assistant bishop General Church Board and College of Bishops
Agenda 2.1.3 Adopt changes to complaints handling, appeals and discipline General Church Board
Agenda 2.1.4 Establish a Training and Accreditation Authority General Church Board
Revised Agenda 2.14 Establish a Training and Accreditation Authority General Church Board
Agenda 2.1.5 Introduce electronic voting General Church Board
Agenda 2.1.6 Alternate delegates from another parish to be lay members General Church Board
Agenda 2.1.7 Continue Hidden Hurts Healing Hearts campaign General Church Board
Agenda 2.1.8 Adopt ALWS Constitution ALWS Board
Agenda 2.2 - Proposals from districts, parishes and congregations
Agenda 2.2.1 Accept full participation of specific ministry pastors NSW and ACT District
Agenda 2.2.2 Reinstate district bishops to General Church Board Queensland District Convention of Synod
Agenda 2.2.3 Transact other business before ordination-related matters Bordertown Lutheran Parish SA
Agenda 2.2.4 Support peaceful formation of new synod Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Hamilton Vic
Revised Agenda 2.2.4 Support peaceful formation of new synod Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, Hamilton Vic
Agenda 2.2.5 LCANZ to become a full member of LWF Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Belconnen ACT
The links on individual components of the Book of Reports open your browser to a reading page. From there you may choose to download the document to your device. (Note: you cannot print directly from the page that opens. You need to download the documents before you are able to print them.)
Below are links to download zipped folders of files:
Agenda 3.0 - Office of the Bishop
Agenda 3.1 LCANZ Bishop
Agenda 3.2 LCA International Mission
3.3 Commissions
Agenda 3.3.1 Commission on Theology and Inter-Church Relations
Agenda 3.3.2 Commission on Social and Bioethical Questions
Agenda 3.3.3 Commission on Worship
Agenda 4.0 - Boards of the Church
General Church Board
Agenda 4.1 General Church Board
Agenda 4.1.1 Finance: General Church Board
Agenda 4.1.2 Standing Committee on Constitutions
Agenda 4.1.3 Suomi Conference
Australian Lutheran College
Agenda 4.2 Australian Lutheran College
Agenda 4.2.1 Finance: Australian Lutheran College
Agenda 4.2.2 Finance: ALC LCA Student Assistance Fund
Finke River Mission
Agenda 4.3 Finke River Mission
Agenda 4.3.1 Finance: Finke River Mission
Local Mission
Agenda 4.4 Council for Local Mission
Lutheran Education Australia
Agenda 4.5 Lutheran Education Australia
Agenda 4.5.1 Finance: Lutheran Education Australia
Agenda 5.0 - Agencies of the Church
Australian Lutheran World Service
Agenda 5.1 Australian Lutheran World Service
Agenda 5.1.1 Finance: Australian Lutheran World Service
Lutheran Laypeople's League
Agenda 5.2 Lutheran Laypeople's League
Agenda 5.2.1 Finance: Lutheran Laypeople's League
Agenda 6.0 - Auxiliaries
Agenda 6.1 Lutheran Women of Australia
Agenda 6.1.1 Finance: Lutheran Women of Australia
Agenda 6.2 Lutheran Nurses Association of Australia
Other Agenda Items
Agenda 7.0 - Elections
Agenda 7.0 Elections
See also Supplement B - Book of Nominations
Agenda 8.0 - Agenda Documents
Agenda 8.1 Way Forward Detailed Framework
Agenda 8.1.1 Way Forward Detailed Framework Corrections
Agenda 8.1.2 Way Forward Detailed Framework Reference Documents - referenced in Framework Section 3.4 of the Framework
1. 1991, The Ordination of Women, Special Committee to the Commission on Theology and Inter-Church Relations, Lutheran Church of Australia
2. 2000, The Final Report of the Commission on Theology and Inter-Church Relations on the Ordination of Women, CTICR, Lutheran Church of Australia
3. 2004, Controverted matters in the LCA Debate on the Ordination of Women, CTICR, Lutheran Church of Australia
4. 2005, 1 Corinthians 14:33b–38 and 1 Timothy 2:11–14 permit the ordination of women, CTICR, Lutheran Church of Australia
5. 2018, A Theological Basis for the Ordination of Women and Men, CTICR, Lutheran Church of Australia
Agenda 8.2 Report: Ministry Futures Project
Agenda 8.3 Report: Domestic Violence Report Response Group
Agenda 8.4 Information Paper: 2018 General Synod adoption of the proposal to change the LCA Constitution to streamline the governance of the General Church Board including membership
Agenda 8.5 ALWS Constitution
Supplement A: Full Financial Reports
A-1 Lutheran Church of Australia Inc
A-2 LCA Property
A-3 ALC Financial Summary
A-4 ALC Land
A-5 LCA Archives
A-6 LCA Insurance
Supplement B: Book of Nominations
Conduct of Business
Minutes 20th Convention
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