Angels and Demons
9 October 2023 Listen to this podcast https://lca.box.com/shared/static/z2jzyytl9gkyb4kfauuta2py6tpd9cmi.mp3 Angels and Demons Pastor Michael Dutschke In the Lutheran church, we don’t tend to talk much about angels and demons. Yet Martin… Read more
Luther book shortlisted for top award
by Amelia Dawkins
Dr Mark Worthing’s book, Martin Luther: A Wild Boar in the Lord’s Vineyard, has been shortlisted for the 2018 Australian Christian Book of the Year.
Luther’s vision for all God’s people
by LCA Communications
Laypeople were critical partners for Martin Luther in the Reformation. Five centuries on, read about Luther’s league of ‘ordinary people’ who were extraordinary in the courage of their convictions.