Hope after the floods
23 October 2023 Listen to this podcast https://lca.box.com/shared/static/kepw16xrequp1bwhxb2qainmdyg7xqmc.mp3 Hope after the floods Pastor James and Adele Leach In recent years, many people in Australia and New Zealand have been impacted… Read more
Forbes Lutherans back ‘home’ after the floods
Nine months after floods devastated the community around the Central West New South Wales town of Forbes in November 2022, including inundating their 90-year-old church building, members of the local Lutheran congregation are finally back ‘home’.
Lutheran family rallies around flood-hit communities
Members of the LCANZ are continuing to rally in support of flood-hit communities in Central New South Wales, with more than $30,000 so far donated to the relief effort via the church’s Disaster and Welfare Fund.
Love comes to life for flood-ravaged communities
Prayers and donations from our Lutheran family are bringing hope, love and care to people in flood-ravaged communities in central New South Wales – and ‘uplifting and empowering’ those serving them.
LCANZ launches Forbes flood appeal
The LCANZ has launched a churchwide appeal for donations to assist people and community groups affected by the severe flooding in northern and western New South Wales, particularly around Forbes.