A prayer for the lonely
Dear God, we bring to you all who are lonely.
Comfort those who grieve. Reassure those who feel emptiness and loss from the death of a family member or friend. Remind them of your promise that you are with them always until the end of the world.
We name those who have lost their life partner. Wrap your arms of love around the widowed and grant them knowledge of your loving presence.
Console the isolated. May your Spirit prompt those who feel cut off from the support of others to turn to you in prayer and to meditate on your word.
Bless those who are poor in spirit and let them know that theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Help us be a friend to the lonely, a welcoming presence to the downhearted and a generous host to those looking for your love.
And as we feel lonely, help us learn more about ourselves and accept ourselves as you have made us.
We bring these petitions to you, loving Trinity, three persons in a loving embrace.
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