Synod offering to support FRM hymnbook project
The offering from February’s LCANZ Convention of General Synod will go to supporting a Finke River Mission (FRM) project revising and reprinting Lutheran song and hymnbooks in Central Australian Aboriginal languages.
Along with other volunteers and FRM staff, Pastor Rob Borgas, who formerly served as an FRM support worker, is working on the revision of hymnals in three languages – Pitjantjatjara, Western Arrarnta and Alyawarr. In addition, the Pintubi-Luritja language worship resource will also be revised.
Most of the hymnals feature liturgy, prayers and catechism resources as well as hymns and songs. The preface to the most recent update of the Pitjantjatjara Lutheran Hymnal in 2010 highlights the history of similar worship resources in Central Australia. It says:
The first Arrarnta hymnal was produced in 1891 by AH Kempe. Its 160 pages contained bible stories, prayers, some psalms and 53 other hymns. It was printed at Hermannsburg in the state of Hannover, Germany. In 1924, 2 years after Carl Strehlow’s tragic death, the first Western Desert language hymnal was published as a supplement to the second edition of his Galtjindintjamea-Pepa Aranda Wolambarinjaka. It contained Luther’s Small Catechism and 10 hymns, all translated into the Luritja language by evangelist Moses Tjalkabota and HA Heinrich (headmaster of the Hermannsburg school).
Congregations can donate to the Synod offering via the LLL (see details below) or, if they prefer to put their offering on the plate during worship, can send a cheque or cash with their delegate to Synod.
To donate to the Synod offering:
For bank transfers, please use the account details below.
Name of account: LCA Synod
BSB: 704942
Account number: 100698743
For credit card donations, the QR code below will take you to LCA Online Payments & Donations.
READ MORE STORIES ABOUT Aboriginal/Indigenous, Convention of General Synod, finke river mission, synod, Synod offering