Serving the King
by Verena Johnson
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So he called ten of his servants and gave them ten minas. ‘Put this money to work,’ he said, ‘until I come back’ (Luke 19:13).
I don’t know about you, but I sometimes wonder how effectively I am using the gifts, talents and resources God has given me. I can safely say I haven’t hidden anything away in a cloth like the servant in the parable. But there have been times when I have not stepped forward to do something I could have, or I have found excuses and reasons for why I can’t get involved (some of them have been really good!). Or I have been too busy or preoccupied to notice that God may ask me to use my gifts, talents and resources.
God has called us all into his service, and what is more, he has given us all that we need to do what he is calling us to do. Even more than that, unlike the king in the parable who goes away, our King is with us every step of the way as we serve him. Then there’s the set of ‘steak knives’ to clinch the deal. We have the Holy Spirit to lead, guide, prompt and equip us as we serve.
So, there’s nothing stopping us from giving our all for our King.
Or is there?
I think my problem is that I think about myself too much and what I am capable or not capable of rather than who my King is and what he can do through me. I focus too much on my faults, failures and mistakes rather than on my King’s provision. The other problem is that the clamour of my busy life can stop me from hearing the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit as he tries to prompt and guide me to use my gifts, talents and resources the way my King wants me to use them.
That’s me, but what about you? What might be stopping you from using your gifts, talents and resources the way God wants you to?
Thank God that our King is not like the one in the parable. He loves us and forgives us again and again and again when we get it wrong. He gives us new chances every day to truly live as his servants.
My King, thank you for giving me my gifts, talents and resources. Help me use them the way you want me to in your service. Forgive me when I get it wrong or miss the opportunities you give me. Open my ears and eyes to hear and see the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Verena is a Church Worker Support Officer for the LCA Church Worker Support Department, where it is her privilege to support congregations, pastors, lay workers, employees and volunteers of LCA. In her spare time, she is involved in drama ministry, women’s ministry and prayer ministry. She has three children and eight grandchildren in three different states.
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