Sowing and reaping
Let those who wept as they planted their crops,
gather the harvest with joy!
Those who wept as they went out carrying the seed
will come back singing for joy,
as they bring in the harvest. (verses 5,6)
Read Psalm 126
What does it mean to sow in tears and reap in joy?
For the Israelites, the time of tears was when they were defeated as a nation and taken off into captivity. Their time of joy was when they were released and returned to their homeland. Maybe their sowing was the fact that they never lost faith. Their harvest was when their faith was fulfilled.
Later in the life of Jesus, the same pattern emerged. His time of sowing was when he gave up his life in great grief for the sins of humankind on the cross and was buried in the tomb. The joy of reaping occurred at the resurrection when he conquered death for all of us.
Life often involves me in suffering and unhappiness too. I fall victim to the world, the powers of evil and my own stupidity. Through it all I keep my faith and sow my seeds of hope. I know the time of harvest will come and I will experience the joy of eternal life.
Dear Lord, sustain me in the difficult times until I experience the joys which you have promised. Amen.
by Richard Hauser, in ‘Renewed Hope for each Day’ (LCA, Openbook, 2000)
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