The many voices of God
Praise the LORD’S glorious name;
bow down before the Holy One when he appears.
The voice of the LORD is heard on the seas;
the glorious God thunders,
and his voice echoes over the ocean.
The voice of the LORD is heard
in all its might and majesty. (verses 2-4)
Read Psalm 29
I just love standing near the ocean and watching the sea breaking over the rocks, especially on a windy day. The sea is so alive and awesome, constantly changing. It is so powerful; it can sweep people away if they are careless and are caught by the power of the waves. I love listening to the crash and boom of the waves as they break and as they move the shells and pebbles at the shoreline. It is such an awesome feeling just to stand and watch and to listen, as the psalm writer says, to the voice of our God as the waves thunder and crash.
God has many voices: the voice of the mother rocking her child to sleep; the voice of discipline as a father corrects his child; the voice of forgiveness as we confess our sins; the voice of love as we greet our loved ones; the voice of ownership as he calls us his child; the voice of peace and blessing as we seek him.
Which voices do you hear?
Dear Father, open our ears to hear you and listen to you as you speak to us in so many ways. We need to hear your voice and recognise your majesty, love and forgiveness. Amen.
by Merna Thamm, in ‘Guidance for each Day’ (LCA, Openbook, 2002)
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