Liturgy and Prayers - Sunday, 28 November 2021 – The First Sunday of Advent, Year C

Liturgy in one document: Liturgy in One Document Advent 1C

Opening sentence

The days are surely coming, says the Lord,
when I will fulfil the promise I made to the house of Israel
and the house of Judah.
(Jer 33:14 NRSV)

Stand up and raise your heads,
because your salvation is near.
(Luke 21:28b TEV)

Here is your God.
He will come to save you.

Prayer of the day - (Collect):


Stir up your power, O Lord, and come,
that by your protection
we may be rescued
from the threatening dangers of our sins,
and saved by your mighty deliverance;
for you live and reign
with the Father and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and forever.

Modernised Traditional

Stir up your power, Lord, and come.
Protect us,
so that we may be rescued
from the threatening dangers of our sins,
and saved by your deliverance.
For you live and reign
with the Father and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and forever.


(Let us pray for the presence of Christ. [silence])
Cleanse our consciences, Lord,
and enlighten our hearts,
through the daily presence of your Son Jesus Christ.
Make us ready
when he comes again in glory
to be our judge.
For he lives and reigns
with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and forever.


(Let us pray that we remain alert for the coming of the Lord. [silence])
Jesus, Son of God,
you have promised to return
at a time that no one knows.
Keep us watchful in prayer
and strong in faith
as we wait for you to come.
For you live and reign
with the Father and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and forever.

Alleluia Verse

Alleluia, alleluia.
(Jesus said:) Heaven and earth will pass away,
but my words will not pass away. (Luke 21:33)

Prayer after the Gospel

This is the gospel of the Lord.
Praise to you, O Christ.
Lord Jesus, thank you for promising to return
and bring your salvation.
Help us to be watchful and to trust in you.

Offering Prayer

Great God, keep us faithful
as we wait for the return of your Son as king.
Help us not to get so caught up in the concerns of this life
that we forget about the things that really matter.
Keep us trusting in you,
watching and praying,
and loving one another and all people.

Prayer of the Church

Additional Prayer Points

LCA International Mission

Services with Holy Communion:


It is indeed right and good,
Lord God, holy Father,
that we should at all times and in all places
give thanks to you,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.
You fulfilled your promise to comfort your people
by sending Jesus the Redeemer,
and to make all things new through him
when he comes to judge the world
and set it right.
And so, with angels and archangels,
and with all the company of heaven,
we adore and praise your glorious name:

Communion Invitation

Blessed are those who have been invited
to the wedding feast of the Lamb.
(Thanks be to God.)
Come, everything is ready.

Prayer after Communion

We give you thanks, almighty God,
that you have fed us with this promise of salvation.
We pray that through it
you would graciously strengthen us
in faith toward you and in love toward one another,
so that we may be prepared
for the coming of Jesus Christ our Saviour.
For he lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and forever.  

Or the third prayer of the day (as listed above) may be used at this point. It may be modified as follows.

Cleanse our consciences, Lord,
and enlighten our hearts,
through the gift of the body and blood
of your Son Jesus Christ.
Make us ready
when he comes again in glory
to be our judge.
For he lives and reigns
with you and the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and forever.


This seasonal blessing is used together with (ie before) the usual blessing in the order of service:

Christ, the Sun of Righteousness, shine on you and make you ready to meet him when he comes in glory . . .

OR, the following words from the second reading may be used this Sunday:

May the Lord make you increase and abound
in love for one another and for all.
And may he so strengthen your hearts in holiness
that you may be blameless before our God and Father
at the coming of our Lord Jesus with all his saints . . .
(1 Thess 3:12a,13 NRSV)

Go in peace, strengthened by the Lord.
Thanks be to God.

OR In the name of Christ. Amen.