Copyright guidelines for churches
Copyright is an important issue for all congregations. There have been significant changes in copyright laws and licensing organizations in the last few years. Please make sure you read the following copyright guidelines carefully to ensure that your congregation is fully compliant.
Copyright: A Guide for Australian Congregations (updated December 2023)
This new booklet combines and updates the previous copyright booklets in one convenient, printable format.
Copyright for Music Videos and Tracks (updated December 2023)
This information sheet provides an update on the use of music videos and master tracks and is intended as a supplement to the Copyright guide above.
Copyright Listings, All Together Songbooks and Lutheran Hymnal Supplement
Copyright Administrators for the ‘All Together’ Songbooks, the Lutheran Hymnal Supplement and Together At Christmas
(This document was last updated in November 2024. Every effort is being made to ensure that the latest copyright licensing arrangements are recorded and that the contact details for songwriters are correct. If you are aware of any errors, please contact the Churchwide Office at admin@lca.org.au or phone 08 8267 7300. Please check back on a regular basis as we will update this list when we obtain further information.)
Copyright for Christmas Carols
APRA AMCOS has provided an excellent resource outlining the copyright holders of a wide range of Christmas Carols. Click here.