Everyday and Seasonal Prayer
Need a devotion for a meeting, your workplace or to use at home? Everyday Prayer and Seasonal Prayer are excellent devotional resources: something for any day, time of day or time of year. With the addition of some appropriate songs or hymns and perhaps a short sermon/address/reflection, they could also be used as a brief order of service (e.g. for midweek Lenten services).
Available online for free here or order hard copies from Australian Church resources here.
Everyday Prayer – Daily Lectionary A listing of daily Bible readings for each day of the Church year.
Prayer Resources
Prayers for a Time of Crisis and Loss written for the LCA by Pastor Aub Podlich
JustPrayer.org an excellent prayer website created by Pastor Matt Thiele, Pastor Doug Fitzpatrick and Immanuel Congregation Buderim.
Devotional Resources
LCA Daily Devotions - click on the link to subscribe to daily devotions written by Australian and New Zealand Lutherans, emailed out each day for free.
Local Mission's New and Renewing Churches team has a range of books and online studies you may find helpful https://www.lca.org.au/departments/local-mission/new-and-renewing-churches/book-and-resources/
Bible Studies for households or small groups
A series of Bible studies suitable for home and small group use by the late Pastor Vernon Kleinig. More devotions will be added in the coming months.
1 John - the Greatest Letter about Love