Music - Sunday, 2 August 2020 – Ninth Sunday after Pentecost, Year A (Proper 13).


There are many music choices available each week. You will find music suggestions for each reading drawn from the Lutheran Hymnal, the All Together song books and Together in Song. In addition, we have selected the Top 4 Public Domain hymns, the Top 4 All Together and LHS songs under copyright and the Top 4 Contemporary Music suggestions each week. You may like to mix and match from these lists to suit your context.

Top 4 Public Domain

If you enjoy traditional hymn singing or your congregation does not have a copyright license, here are our recommended Public Domain hymns for the week:

If a title is hyperlinked, that means that modernised lyrics are available. MP3 backing tracks have been recorded for you to use.

Jesus our Saviour - LHB 156
I heard the voice of Jesus – LHB 306
How blest are they – LHB 265
O Living bread from heaven – LHB 284

Top 4 All Together and LHS songs under copyright

Copyright information for the following suggestions has been provided. Please ensure that you are reporting the use of any material under copyright.

Holding out your hand – AT 399 red (CCLI)
I heard the voice of Jesus – AT 137 blue (Public Domain)
This Kingdom – AT 329 red (CCLI, One Licence)
O Living bread from heaven – LHB 284 (Public Domain)
Give glory – AT 356 red (Public Domain)

Top 4 Contemporary Music Suggestions

The following songs have been carefully reviewed, and are recommended for use in congregational worship, primarily because they point people to Christ and proclaim the message of his word in music and song for this Sunday in the lectionary cycle. They also fit well with other selection guidelines as highlighted in Tips for song selection and Fact Sheet 6: Music in Worship. While the use of a particular song by a band or organisation is not necessarily an endorsement of that group or the entire body of their work, we recognise that any scriptural song is a Spiritual song that can be used to complement a rich diet of worship for God’s people.

Please note, the hyperlinked Youtube clips are provided to give you a sense of how music can be performed or for personal use. You must always obtain permission from the creators of the music videos and the creators of the song before using clips in worship, unless permission is explicitly stated beneath the video.

Song/Hymn suggestions based on the Lectionary readings

Some LHS hymns have modernised lyrics. Click on underlined hymns to see the new lyrics.

Please click here to go to the Modernised Hymns page.

G3, G4 . . . = Guitar chords available in the Music Package 3, 4 . .ro.; GS = Guitar chords in the Supplement to LH

First Reading: a) Genesis 32:22-31


146 Thee, O Jesus, I’ll not leave G8
326 O how great is Thy compassion* G3


342    Jacob struggled for a blessing(CCLI, One Licence)
399    Holding out your hand (CCLI)


First Reading: b) Isaiah 55:1-5


71 Come to Calvary’s holy mountain* G5
156 Jesus, our Saviour, of true joy the giver (esp v 4)* G3
265 How blest are they who hear God’s word* G3
269 Speak forth Thy word. O Father G4
306 I heard the voice of Jesus say (esp v 2) G7


114    Come, my brother, come, my sister – Can’t track down
137    I heard the voice of Jesus say (esp v 2) (Public Domain)
152    I have made a covenant (CCLI)
359    Holy Spirit, living water (esp v 1) (One Licence)
403    God of Abraham (esp vv 11,12) (One Licence)


208 Jesus has come, and brings joy as our Saviour (esp v 5)
585 I heard the voice of Jesus say (esp v 2)

Second Reading: Romans 9:1-5


38    In peace and joy I now depart* G4
44    Thou light of gentile nations* G4
265    How blest are they who hear God’s word* G3
898    Now, Lord, you let youir servant go GS
900    O Lord, now let your servant G6


104    Now, Lord, you let your servant go (One Licence)
152    I have made a covenant with my chosen (CCLI)
329    This kingdom (CCLI, One Licence)


324 Lord, bid your servant go in peace
733 Lord God, you now have set your servant free

Gospel Reading: Matthew 14:13-21


265    How blest are they who hear God’s word* G3
269    Speak forth Thy Word, O Father G4
282    Draw nigh, and take the body of the Lord*
284    O living Bread from heaven* G6
290    O Bread of life from heaven* G3
326    O how great is Thy compassion* G3
835    Bread of heaven, on you we feed G5
837    Feed us now, Bread of life GS
838    I am the Bread of life GS
849    With holy joy my heart shall beat


79    Feed us now (CCLI, One Licence)
167    I am the Bread of life (One Licence)
226    All is nearness (One Licence)
267    Bread of heaven (CCLI, One Licence)
313    Longing for light (One Licence)
332    We are sorry (esp chorus) (CCLI, One Licence)
344    The New Road (esp v 4) (Public Domain)
356    Give glory (Public Domain)
473    Bread for the world (One Licence)
474    The bread of angels (CCLI, One Licence)


429 Break now the bread of life
498 Draw near and take the body of our Lord
513 Bread of heaven, on you we feed
522 Christ is the heavenly food
535 I am the Bread of life
538 Feed us now, Bread of life
544 Since the world was young



TIS 6, Lord, hear a cause that is just, is a version of Psalm 17:1,5-6,8,15.
Music Resources Vol. 3– Psalm settings: Psalm 17 p24 , Psalm 17 p25


TIS 89, O Lord, you are my God and King, is a metrical paraphrase of Psalm 145:1-7,9-12.

The following paraphrase of Psalm 145:8-10,13b-21 by David Schütz may be sung to the tune of ‘Sent by the Lord am I’ (ATO 412), or to Quam dilecta (LH 503) or St Cecilia (LH 416). If reproducing this version, please put ‘Words (c) David Schütz’ at the beginning or the end of the psalm.

How gracious is the Lord;
the Lord is merciful.
He’s slow to show his wrath,
abounds in steadfast love.

The Lord is good to all,
compassionate and kind.
Now all your works give thanks,
your faithful bless your name.

He’s faithful in his words,
and gracious in his deeds.
He lifts up those who fall,
he holds up those weighed down.

All eyes shall look to you,
and you will give them food,
You open up your hand,
and satisfy our needs.

The Lord is just and kind,
he’s near to all who call.
He fills and saves all those
who learn to fear his name.

The wicked he puts down;
he watches those he loves.
My mouth will praise the Lord;
all creatures bless his name.

Music Resources Vol. 3– Psalm settings: Psalm 145 p237

Advice for Musicians

Advice for Congregations Without Musicians

Other Music Resources

LCA Music Resources


While the LCA does not necessarily endorse the content of these websites, you may find them helpful in your worship planning.