LCA Room Bookings
To book a room, you need to use your Outlook client. Room bookings can be booked or viewed using the Outlook client.
LCA Churchwide office has 4 calendars which represents each of the meeting spaces
CWO Boardroom 1 –
CWO Boardroom 2 –
CWO Boardroom 3 –
CWO Meeting Room 1 –
This article will cover the following
Adding the rooms to your Outlook
Booking a room
Global Events (LCA Portal)
Adding the Rooms to your Outlook
You can add rooms to your Outlook as so you can see if a room is available and any given time.
Open your calendar in Outlook.
You can choose to add the calendars to My Calendars or create a new group.
To create a new group right click on My Calendars.
Click on New Calendar Group.
next, type in what you want the group to be called. Example is Rooms.
Once you have created your group, now right click the group.
Select + Add Calendar —> From Room List…
Once you selected this, you will be presented with this screen.
Select the rooms that you would like to add. We suggest you add the 4 rooms highlighted.
Tip: if you hold CTRL you can select and de-select multiple rooms at once.
Once you have highlighted the rooms you wish to add, select the Rooms button.
The rooms should be displayed in the below text bar.
Select OK.
Depending on your internet connection, it could take some time to update or appear.
You now should see all 4 rooms listed in your calendar group.
Viewing current bookings
Once the room calendars are in your group you can now peruse the calendars.
To do this you can simply "tick" the calendar you wish to peruse.
Tip: you can tick multiple calendars at once.
This will typically show you the room calendar and your calendar.
You can operate the calendar like you would your own.
Note: you can overlay your calendars by click on the arrow at the top of the extra calendar. You can click on it again to toggle this view.
When the calendar is in overlay mode, select the tab above it to select which calendar you wish to modify.
The calendar events will give the following information;
<Subject of the meeting>
To remove the view of the calendar, untick the calendar on the left-hand side.
Booking a room
To book a room is a process that you add to creating a meeting.
In this instruction, it will be assumed that there is prior knowledge on how to create a meeting.
To book a room, you must have selected Invite Attendees
Create your meeting invite as normal
Click on Location
Then select the room you want to use. Then press the Rooms button so that the room will appear next to it.
Select OK.
The room will appear in both Required and Location.
NOTE: You can select multiple rooms.
Once you have selected the room, the room will send you and email. It will either Accept or Delcine the meeting via email.
If the room declines your invitation, this will indicate that the room is already booked.
Global Events (LCA Portal)
The Global events calendar is what appears on the LCA Portal page. It is titled LCA Events. This is used to communicate events with the LCA users across both Australia, New Zealand and others who have access.
This will only show the Subject, Time, Date and Location.
To display the event here, you will need to invite Global Events ( to the meeting. Please make sure that the event title includes only relevant information. For example, if a district is announcing their DCC meeting they would put in the subject NSW DCC Meeting or NSW District Church Council Meeting.
To remove something from the Global events you can do the follow.
- Delete the event
- Remove the Gobal Events from the attendees and update changes
NOTE: if you are removing a re-occurring event, this is not instant and may take up to an hour.