Music - Sunday, 3 November 2024 – Twenty Fourth Sunday after Pentecost, Year B (Proper 26) – All Saints


There are many music choices available each week. You will find music suggestions for each reading drawn from the Lutheran Hymnal, the All Together song books and Together in Song. In addition, we have selected the Top 4 Public Domain hymns, the Top 4 All Together and LHS songs under copyright and the Top 4 Contemporary Music suggestions each week. You may like to mix and match from these lists to suit your context.

If your congregation is celebrating the Twenty Fourth Sunday after Pentecost, you may consider the following:

AT 120 One God (CCLI)
AT 174 Bind us together (CCLI)
AT 175 The Greatest Commandment (CCLI)
AT 345 Nothing but the blood (Public Domain)

Top 4 Public Domain

If you enjoy traditional hymn singing or your congregation does not have a copyright license, here are our recommended Public Domain hymns for the week:

If a title is hyperlinked, that means that modernised lyrics are available. MP3 backing tracks have been recorded for you to use.

O welcome, all you noble saints of old GS – LHS 841
For all the saints – LHS 213 - Backing track
I heard the voice of Jesus say – AT 137 - Backing track
I am the Bread of Life GS – LHS 838

Top 4 All Together and LHS songs under copyright

Copyright information for the following suggestions has been provided. Please ensure that you are reporting the use of any material under copyright.

I heard the voice of Jesus say - AT 137 - Backing track
I am the Bread of life - AT 167
Christ is changing everything - AT 182
Soon and very soon - AT 302

Top 4 Contemporary Music Suggestions

The following songs have been carefully reviewed, and are recommended for use in congregational worship, primarily because they point people to Christ and proclaim the message of his word in music and song for this Sunday in the lectionary cycle. They also fit well with other selection guidelines as highlighted in Tips for song selection and Fact Sheet 6: Music in Worship. While the use of a particular song by a band or organisation is not necessarily an endorsement of that group or the entire body of their work, we recognise that any scriptural song is a Spiritual song that can be used to complement a rich diet of worship for God’s people.

Please note, the hyperlinked Youtube clips are provided to give you a sense of how music can be performed or for personal use. You must always obtain permission from the creators of the music videos and the creators of the song before using clips in worship, unless permission is explicitly stated beneath the video.

Song/Hymn suggestions based on the Lectionary readings

Some Lutheran Hymnal and Supplement hymns have modernised lyrics. Click on underlined hymns to see the new lyrics or click here to go to the Modernised Hymns page.

G3, G4 . . . = Guitar chords available in the Music Package 3, 4 …; GS = Guitar chords in the Supplement to LH.
You can purchase the Guitar Chords resource here .

First Reading: Isaiah 25:6-9


89     Christ Jesus lay in death’s strong bands* G3

92     Christ the Lord is risen today

97     The strife is o’er, the battle done G5

104    Awake, my heart, thy praises sing* G5

281    Jesus Christ, our blessed Saviour

287    Deck thyself, my soul, with gladness (vv 1,3)* G5

326    O how great is Thy compassion* G3

543    Abide with me, fast falls the eventide

834    At the Lamb’s high feast G3

841    O welcome, all you noble saints of old GS


77     O welcome, all ye noble saints of old

479    For living, for dying


364    Christ Jesus lay in death’s strong bands

367    The strife is past, the battle done

370    Christ the Lord is risen today

503    Robe yourself, my soul, with gladness

516    Here, gracious Lord, we see you face to face

545    Shout for joy! The Lord has let us feast

586    Abide with me, fast falls the eventide

Second Reading: Revelation 21:1-6a


147         O Morning Star so bright and fair* G3

156         Jesus, our Saviour, of true joy the giver (v 4)* G3

210         Thy Word, O God, declareth* G5

287    Deck thyself, my soul, with gladness (vv 2,3)* G5

306    I heard the voice of Jesus say G

489    Rejoice, rejoice, believers* G4

786    In faith and hope and love GS

854    Be still, my soul


137    I heard the voice of Jesus say

182    Christ is changing everything

302    Soon and very soon

479    For living, for dying


123    Be still, my soul (esp v 4)

199    Lord Jesus, our bright Morning Star

208    Jesus has come, and brings joy as our Saviour

503    Robe yourself, my soul, with gladness (vv 2,3)

585    I heard the voice of Jesus say

628    In faith and hope and love

653    This is a day of new beginnings

Gospel Reading: John 11:32-44


92     Christ the Lord is risen today

96     Ere yet the dawn has filled the skies G4

101    Jesus lives! Thy terrors now* G5

763    Now is eternal life

838    I am the Bread of life GS


167    I am the Bread of life


370    Christ the Lord is risen today

372    Jesus lives! your terrors now

385    Now is eternal life

535    I am the Bread of life



The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it,
the world, and all who live in it;
for he founded it on the seas
and established it on the waters.

They will receive blessing from the Lord, the God of their salvation.

Who may ascend the mountain of the Lord?
Who may stand in his holy place?
The one who has clean hands and a pure heart,
who does not trust in an idol
or swear by a false god.

They will receive blessing from the Lord, the God of their salvation.

They will receive blessing from the Lord
and vindication from God their Saviour.
Such is the generation of those who seek him,
who seek your face, God of Jacob.

They will receive blessing from the Lord, the God of their salvation.

Lift up your heads, you gates;
be lifted up, you ancient doors,
that the King of glory may come in.
Who is this King of glory?
The Lord strong and mighty,
the Lord mighty in battle.
Lift up your heads, you gates;
lift them up, you ancient doors,
that the King of glory may come in.

Who is he, this King of glory?
The Lord Almighty –
he is the King of glory.

They will receive blessing from the Lord, the God of their salvation.

For musical settings of Psalm 24, see Music Package 6. Another setting is in TIS 13, The Lord’s is the earth and its fullness, and TIS 12 is a version of Psalm 24:7-10.

Advice for Musicians

Advice for Congregations Without Musicians

Other Music Resources

LCA Music Resources

Downloadable Hymnal Resources (including downloadable backing tracks and lyric PPTs)
Modernised Hymn Lyrics
Hymnal Index (by tune and scriptural link)
All Together Index (by tune, scriptural link and theme)
Five Songs of Faith

For further Music Resources click here.


While the LCA does not necessarily endorse the content of these websites, you may find them helpful in your worship planning.

While the LCA does not necessarily endorse the content of these websites, you may find them helpful in your worship planning.
Small Church Music: You can download mp3 and midi files of popular hymn tunes from this site.
Together to Celebrate: lectionary based song and hymn suggestions from a variety of sources.
Singing from the Lectionary: has song and hymn suggestions based on the RCL from other hymnals.
Song Select: catalogues CCLI licensed music. You can search for more contemporary songs by theme. If your congregation has a paid subscription you can also download sheet music and other resources.
Hymns Without Words: mp3 downloads of hymn tunes.
Metrical Psalms by Dale Schoening : Psalms set to well known hymn tunes.